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Started by Rob, September 09, 2004, 18:44:00 PM

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Lee Wilson

Hi there, which method did you use ? the method via Chris Stead or other ?

It mentions editing the ps_order files in /components/com_virtuemart/classes/ which I didn't have on my set-up.

Any pointers would be gratefully received.


Quote from: Lee Wilson on June 11, 2007, 17:06:10 PM
Hi there, which method did you use ? the method via Chris Stead or other ?

It mentions editing the ps_order files in /components/com_virtuemart/classes/ which I didn't have on my set-up.

Any pointers would be gratefully received.

I used the first method chris posted up in here (page 3)

I have just set it up again as Im working on three virtuemart powered sites.

follow each step and it works..

Just make sure you have your vendor name and encrypted password correct.

Lee Wilson

Yeah understand about the vendor name /password. But my problem is that I don't have the /classes/ps_order file / directory in my set-up. Had to create the classes directory to place the other files from Chris's thread in there.

What creates the classes directory in the VM component ? I think I'm missing a trick here somewhere.


You didnt have this location within your virtuemart download package?


Lee Wilson

I've installed version 1.0.10 and I don't get


I had to create this to populate the payment/ files that Chris covered in his mail.

Anyway we have just installed another product called ECJC and set-up protx in 2 minutes flat...

good luck everyone.


Hello there,

I've just installed the instructions posted by Chris Stead, I must say this was a breeze, and my protx testing is going really well - thanks.

I have a question though. All of the orders I am putting through come back with ' You brought : Your order'

Is there a way of configuring this message so that the actual order description comes up here?

I see that this is picking up this message from the ps_protx_cpi.php file, but am not sure what to put here.

Thanks in advance.



I'd appreciate any help with this and am willing to pay someone a few bucks to sort out.

I am testing transactions at the moment and I've just realised something isn't quite right.

I get the emails ( and so does the customer) from protx, and also the pending order notification.
I am returned to the site and the order says successful, view your order details here. The order status on this screen is set to confirmed, however the customer or admin are not getting the status change email to say confirmed.

I've just turned on debug and there is an error on the confirmation screen, but I'm no real coder, so any help in resolving this would be great.

Notice: Constant _VALID_MOS already defined in /home/fhlinux169/sitename/user/htdocs/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/checkout.protx_cpi_result.php on line 33


Hi there again,

quick question regarding Protx VSPform and 3d secure...

Does anyone have this working ?

Is it simply a case of arranging for this to be activiated through Prtox, and once activated it will work with the current solution posted here ?

Or, if I were to activate it is there a whole host of other amendments that I would need to do to get this to work ?

I don't want to swith it on, only to find it buggers up my current set-up.


Chris Stead

Its been a long time since I logged on to this forum!

I'm glad that so many of you have found my posts useful.

In the last couple of days I've been asked to enable 3D Secure on a VirtueMart/Protx site, and its really very simple - just log into the Protx admin area and enable 3D Secure, end of story!

Whilst testing the site I noticed that returned messages from Protx were not decoding properly, so here is an updated version of checkout.protx_cpi_result.php which uses the utility functions in functions.php (which is part of the supplied by Protx).

The updated version also sends order status change notification emails based on the success/failure of the payment process.

[attachment cleanup by admin]

John - Australia

does anyone know how to include (or replace) the order_number with the order_id. The order number is pretty meaningless in notifications. I have tried changing order_number to order_id in ps_protx_cpi.php and checkout_protx_cpi_result.php, but it ddnt seem to make any difference




I've installed the files that Chris put up. All I would like to know is, when a customer puts in their card details its not a https:// connection. Is the customers credit card being send over the internet un-encrypted?

Also what are the extra files Chris posted for? I'm new to virtuemart and am kinda pokeing around in the dark a lot.



We are now going live with our Protx implementation.

I have found most issues are with the URL not being set correctly or the testvendor testvendor password is not right - ignore the password they gave you for testvendor - just use testvendor for login and pass.

Also when going live make sure you change the vendor name and also the encrypt pass to be absolutely right.

The URLS with no https:

A couple of issues I'd like to have resolved is the order ID being set correctly (vendortxcode) and also the Customer bought: your order text.


Few issues that I'm having, any help is greatly appreciated.

1) User had to enter credit card info twice, once on site and when they get redirected again.
2) So switched it to Paypal mode, but shipping info/fee is not being passed.

Is there a final working version of this payment plugin?


Hi Guys!

just wanted to thank Chris Stead and the other contributors!  I hve our companys' test VSP site working.  I do however have one question.  When redirecting back to the site from Protx, how can I show the original Virtuemart Success screen with order invoice attached?  Is just a matter of linking to checkout.thankyou.php, because I've tried that and didn't work?    I'm coming back to an empty page after a successl order, eventhough I know the CPI contains the correct code?

EDIT:  Mananged to get it working  :-\  I didn't put the .php after the redirect link...   silly me!


Can someone put together latest files with clear instructions how to get it working?