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Started by Rob, September 09, 2004, 18:44:00 PM

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Sorry to hear that you are having problems. I have not yet tried to get it working myself.

Just on a separate note, if you still need to get on online merchant account, how can protx be cheap? For instance, Barclays online merchant account comes with a payment gateway, all for £25 p/m plus 2% per transaction. Now, if I I take out protx, I will be paying the above plus Protx charges, is this correct? Or will Barclays have a cheaper tariff if I am using a separate payment processor?



Not sure what your individual bank charges are - or if there is a discount if you use another payment processor (probably will be) I work for a company so I don't know what the costs are involved for a merchant account.


Hi, i am affraid that i am finding this quite confusing. I have a Protx testing account, and i have set up the payment module, and from the configuration values i have added i get a response from Protx. However, it keeps coming back saying the following:

StatusDetail=The VendorTxCode field is missing from the POST

So, my questions:
Is this payment module designed to work with Protx Direct or am i completely wrong there?
What is the encryption password i get from Protx?
and why is my VendorTxCode field missing (what is supposed to be in this field, i have no idea what it is)?

Thanks very much, i very gratefull to everyone working on this module.



I too would be very keen to see a Protx payment module. I have a client who is a Protx customer. I have built his site in Joomla, now we have Virtuemart installed and wish to use this for his shop.

I would be happy to pay someone who can successfully add a Protx gateway to the site for me.




Hi all,
I'm also trying to implement protx into Virtuemart (1.0.4) - I have uploaded the files, modified ps_order.php and added my protx details etc. I get the following error when trying to place an order:

Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /~lowtherp/index.php could not be found on this server.

The site is currently on a testing domain name (, when the site goes live it will resolve to Could this be the cause of this, or is it something else?


I seem to remember that I had a similar error message. I will check it now.



Quote from: dj_mystic82 on April 20, 2006, 11:15:20 AM
Hi all,
I'm also trying to implement protx into Virtuemart (1.0.4) - I have uploaded the files, modified ps_order.php and added my protx details etc. I get the following error when trying to place an order:

Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /~lowtherp/index.php could not be found on this server.

The site is currently on a testing domain name (, when the site goes live it will resolve to Could this be the cause of this, or is it something else?

I found that turning on a second payment method (ie cash on delivery) stopped this error from appearing.

Is it possible to only have one payment method though?


Im following this thread with interest. Can someone tell me if this is actually working yet? There doesnt appear to be any definitive answer as to whether Protx can be fully implemented without any issues with Virtuemart or not.

If it can be done, how about a 'how to' for all of us?

Thanks :)



I managed to get ProtX working (but only in Testing mode at the moment) , I'm using Joomla 1.0.7 and Virtuemart 1.0.4.

Here's what I did:
Upload the three files supplied by Chris Stead in reply 32 of this thread.
Changed the code in ps_order.php also mentioned in reply 32.
I couldn't put in my ProtX password and id in the administration, so I put it in the ps_protx_cpi.cfg.php

These are the variables I changed:
PROTX_CPI_STORE_ID  - I used my ProtX vendor name here, but I think it can be anything you choose.
PROTX_CPI_SECRET  - your encryption password
PROTX_CPI_SUCCESS_URL  - Added the site url to the start of the string before index.php....
PROTX_CPI_FAIL_URL  - Added the site url to the start of the string before index.php....

I set up a new payment method with these settings:
Method Name: Secure Credit/Debit Payment with ProtX
Class Name: ps_protx_cpi
Method: Paypal (or related)

With this payment method acivated on its own I got an error when placing an order. With the cash on delivery activated as a second payment method, ProtX works fine.

This is of course all in ProtX testing mode so I'm unsure if it will all work just as smoothly once it is totally live.


So it seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What steps need to be taken in order to have Protx recognise Virtuemart as an approved shopping cart? Who actually makes a payment interface official? Surely with the right kind of pressure applied in the right places, and the availability of code that appears to work, someone can publish a working solution?


Bob :)



Im still also waiting Seems there is no developer support for this anymore?? Does this mean we will have to abandon Virtuamart?

My BIGGEST problem with this is that when PROTX sends back the OK the vurtuamart order status DOES NOT update from pending to completed.



Which version of protx gateway is this guide reffering to? I notice that Prtox has several, I.E. VSP Form, VSP Server, VSP Direct etc.

Thanks for any help


Hi, the method I originally published was to integrate the VSP Form version which hands over control of the actual payment transaction to Protx's own secure payment servers. When they are done taking the card details and doing the verification they return you to your site using the URL you pass them. They also supply an encoded string which you decode to get information about the success of the transaction. Based on this you can decide to "ship the goods" or "enable the download" or not.

I must give credit for a lot of the work to Xirium (aka Danny Locksmith). The bit I worked on was mainly to do with the post processing of the transaction (ie the process the returned string and "ship the goods" or not bit).

Danny did go on to get Protx working with mambo/phpshop in its integrated version (VSP Direct I think), which is where you actually take the card details. This looks a lot cleaner from the customers point of view as there is no hopping from one site to another, but it means you must use https (ie http with the secure sockets layer) to safeguard the customers details. This, unfortunately, adds more complexity.

As for VirtueMart under Joomla, it looks like Chris Stead has done a fine job of porting the mambo/phpshop solution I posted, with an additional tweak to handle the enabling/disabling of down-loadable merchandise orders which I had not looked into. You need to read all Chris' posts in the thread though, as he adds a few corrections after his initial post.


WEll everyone still has problems with PROTX

Can anyone tell me why PROTx does not update the order status?

What variables do I have to look at to get the order status to change correctly?