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Started by Rob, September 09, 2004, 18:44:00 PM

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Quote from: craftyweb on June 18, 2010, 09:57:42 AM
SagePay customer support are very helpful with error messages. Give them a call if you haven't fixed this yet.
I didn't fix it, I paid £40 and got a working component in the end, didn't have time to debug this, just needed one that worked.


Hi there,
  I am so grateful for your work guys so far on this, I have has a small hiccup, the form goes through to sagepay etc and the payment goes through ok. The user is added to Virtuemart and is shown as confirmed.

When the user comes back to the site for the thank you message I get the following:

Thank you for your order.

Success Your order has been successfully placed!

Follow this link to view the Order Details.
No valid database connection Table 'web167-efrome82.jos_ssrrn_msc' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT memberlist_name, hp_id FROM jos_ssrrn_msc WHERE vm_product_id = 1
Info: Message sent to Mark Test1,

Any ideas? as to why I am getting this error@

Thanks in advance
Mark N


Quote from: vannquish on June 24, 2010, 10:42:42 AM

I have a website running Joomla v.1.0.15 Stable & Virtuemart v1.0.15

Now that Protx has changed to SagePay, what files do i use to get SagePay running on my website?


can anyone tell me what files to use on this version ...

Joomla v.1.0.15 Stable & Virtuemart v1.0.15


Quote from: mike420 on July 19, 2009, 16:25:01 PM
With the files I have collected from here (and a bit of editing!!), I have created a new Sage Pay VSP Form payment module which uses the new 2.23 protocol.

Extra fields have now been added to transfer billing and shipping address details.

Forgot to mention this is for Virtuemart 1.0.15 :)

Hello there, This looks very promising. I've set set up as in the read me. However, I keep getting an error that currency field is missing, can anybody help?

Many thanks.

For an older set up - 1.0.15



I've got Sagepay running just fine on a website I'm building but I have the following problem:

My client takes orders for free samples of fabric via his shop (You can either buy fabric by the metre or order a sample). If you order free samples, the shipping is also free (Done by use of 'Store / Shipping Module List / Ship Value' and its working fine).

The problem is, Sagepay expects a transaction value of at least £0.01 (I spoke to their tech support) and so it throws the following error:

Status Detail: 4009 : The Amount is outside the allowed range

I *think* I should be editing ps_protx_cpi.php to 'catch' the order just after line 377 (Where it echoes "Please Wait" to the screen before jumping off to the Sagepay payment gateway)

Please can anyone advise what part of the code I need to adapt to prevent orders with a value of £0.00 being passed to Sagepay, but still store them as normal (The system currently generates all the correct emails, but sets the order status to 'Cancelled' if you pass through to Sagepay, see the error and click the 'Proceed' button to return back to your own site)

Any help would be very gratefully received

Thanks in advance

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Those who understand binary and those who don't