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Started by Rob, September 09, 2004, 18:44:00 PM

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El Fanjo

I am facing issues when implementing Artio JoomSEF, basically the url returned by ProtX after payment gets rewritten and the GET data is altered. When a customer is sent back to my site he gets a blank screen and the order status stays pending ! If the url rewriting is disabled everything works like a charm.

Did someone had this issue before ? How did you guys fixed it ?

Quote from: jhdesign on October 30, 2007, 14:49:48 PM
Can someone put together latest files with clear instructions how to get it working?

Everything is here and i can confirm that it is working with joomla/virtuemart 1.0.13 (well as long as you don't use SEF components.......). try a clean install of joomla/virtuemart, add the payment method, files and stuff and double check with ProtX just to make sure your config file is right. Fingers crossed it should work !

El Fanjo

Hum some kind of caching error... Works now !!!


I would also appreciate latest files etc..  I've been trying to do this for nearly two months now!!!  Best I get is a 5005 from Protx and no clues there...  >:(

Help!!!  :-[
Geek to the extreme...


Could someone tell me if these hacks actually WORK.

FINALLY received payment info from our client only to find that protx doesnt have a payment module!!!

I spoke to Protx and they have nothing and suggested that the 'manufacturers' of Virtuemart contact them if they want to be integrated.

Would really appreciate some advice here.

Many Thanks


El Fanjo

This hack actually works, well it is not a hack actually you need to create a proper payment method for ProtX.
If you follow the steps described in this thread it should be allright (take your time, read carefully as it is not the easiest integration).


Thanks, will try and PRAY it works.


Hi there, I'm not a coder, but need to get ProtX working on Virtuemart. I put all the files in place than followed the instructions on Page 3 of this topic, but when I ad the ProtX payment method I get this error:
QuoteWarning: add(/home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_protx_cpi.php) [function.add]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_payment_method.php on line 174

Warning: add(/home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_protx_cpi.php) [function.add]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_payment_method.php on line 174

Warning: add() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_protx_cpi.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/valiant/public_html/jf_staging/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_payment_method.php on line 174
Can anybody help?


I downloaded the files a few days ago and they work perfectly. I had to manually edit the php file with the settings in but it worked first time perfectly.

A big thanks!

How do we make this into a payment module which can be downloaded and installed? Or even better add it to the Virtuemart package? I will be willing to put in some time to get this made into a installable module.


I have had Protx integration working for the last 6 months on a live site, so can verify the instructions in this thread - thanks for the good work!

This morning I had a report from a customer who couldnt make a purchase - they were getting an error report saying that the postcode was too long. After some debug, I repeated the problem. They were getting the following error from Protx:

INVALID : 3016 :  The BillingPostCode value is too long.

(Note that there is also a Protx error 3027 :  The BillingPostCode is too long.)

The problem is that the Protx interface throws an error if the postcode supplied by the site is more than 10 characters long.. not sure the reason for this, but the solution seems to be to truncate the postcode!..

to do this, I modified two lines (318 and 322) in the ps_protx_cpi.php file, changing the 20 into a 10, so that they become:




Hope this helps!


Matt Platts

I've just tried this installation on a fresh copy of Joomla and Virtuemart downloaded from this site. Im not getting any error messages, but the protx options cumes up under Please select a Payment Method, and then in a box saying 'Credit Card' with a space to enter card details. However this wasn't what I was expecting at all, I was expecting to be directed to another page to enter this information on the protx site.

Am i wrong in assuming this? Or it this trying to mimic the protx direct method and not the vps form? Anyone know?

El Fanjo

This is odd.
I don't know what it is trying to mimic but you are right : this is not what VSP form do.
Which versions of Joomla and Virtuemart are you using ? How did you installed the payment method ?


Hi Guys,

I have been reading this thread and off course have the same problem as you all, integrating protX with virtuemart.

Now i don't have the neccesary coding experience to make it work.
Whats the best thing for me to do, i've contacted protX and they said you have contact virtuemart etc.


El Fanjo

Any error message ? Which bit doesn't work ?

dom hughes

I am using J1.5.2 and VM1.1.0 stable. I have adapted Chris Stead's latest files to work with Protx in this configuration. You will need to correct the php extensions and place the ...functions.php in your /includes directory. In addition I had to change the length of the order_number field in the VM orders table to a longer value (my default was set at varchar 32, Protx needs at least 35, I have set to 40).

I have tested with the Protx simulator and all transactions seem OK.

Good luck and much thanks to Chris.

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Quote from: jhdesign on October 30, 2007, 14:49:48 PM
Can someone put together latest files with clear instructions how to get it working?

Joomla: 1.0.15
VirtueMart 1.0.15 stable  [Flying Fifteen]

The following worked for me:

1. upload the following files (see zip)

  • /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/checkout.protx_cpi_result.php
  • /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/functions.php
  • /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_protx_cpi.php
  • /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_protx_cpi.cfg.php

2. In the Joomla-Virtuemart component admin, create a new payment method called protx Secure Payment (note that this name is visible to the shopper, so it needs to be meaningful).

3. Tick the "Active" checkbox.

4. set the Payment Method Name to: protx Secure Payment

5. set the Code to: PROTXCPI

6. set the Payment class name to: ps_protx_cpi

7. set the Payment method type to: Use Payment Processor

8. On the "configuration" tab set up appropriate values for your site and your protx account (you may need to save and then reopen to see the protx options).

NB: Files in the attached zip have been lifted from this forum thread and all credit should go to those who originally wrote them  :)

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