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ShopLab 3.0 - Free VirtueMart 3 Template

Started by Linelab, September 20, 2011, 00:53:47 AM

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New Shoplab Template version 2.1 now available for download. All reported bugs fixed. Happy downloading.


If you get

"The choosen template couldnt found on the filesystem: Shoplab"

as an error....... Try this.

1. Go into VirtueMart > Configuration > and set the template to DEFAULT JOOMLA
2. Then go to your MENU item for "VirtueMart" > EDIT it and change the default Template to Shoplab (or whatever other template you're using)
3. Save and Enjoy.


Is there any way to update Shoplaab (to 2.1) without losing my custom settings and changes to files (such as css files)?


Problems with new Shoplab (2.1):
1. In a product's page the thumbnails of images (the ones that when click on, the lightbox appears) don't exist!!! Instead of that the images are shown in their original size
2. My subcategories are not ordered properly, I have chosen to display 3 categories per row and it shows 2 in a row, 1 below them and 2 more below, after showing a horizontal line
3. Something that exist from previous versions, the product images of products displayed in a module (eg menu) open the image in a new window. Neither link to the product page, nor lightbox is working. I have used a hack for that in previous versions but it has to be fixed.
4. No cart image??


Quote from: VirtueArtcz on March 08, 2012, 21:07:43 PM
Dear corymp,
on demo site are used Joomla sample data. For installing templates or extensions from you don't need any quick start package or sql dump. Installation is really simple. Module positions are same as in default template beez. Please download user guide for premium templates and read info.txt in folder of your template or f.a.q. If you would have any problem, please contact support. Thank you.

Thank you very much for your templates, and especially the free ones. I understand that today, with the crisis, it is difficult to maintain. If the user guide for premium templates it's free, I would like to know where to download it.


Thank you VirtueArtcz for your quick reaction, I will be deciding upon up on your website soon, do you have a assistance forum?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


i love the catagory template in the shop lab theme, what i want to do is extract the catagory bit out of the template so i can ues it with my own template

i replaced the defult catagory file from the shoplab theme to the virtumart catagory view folder and  iv found the css file from the shoplab theam and am trying to intergrate it into the assests css in virtumart.  however i cant get it to look exactly the same

any ideas?


Quote from: JohnnyC on May 11, 2012, 11:29:29 AM
Problems with new Shoplab (2.1):
1. In a product's page the thumbnails of images (the ones that when click on, the lightbox appears) don't exist!!! Instead of that the images are shown in their original size
2. My subcategories are not ordered properly, I have chosen to display 3 categories per row and it shows 2 in a row, 1 below them and 2 more below, after showing a horizontal line
3. Something that exist from previous versions, the product images of products displayed in a module (eg menu) open the image in a new window. Neither link to the product page, nor lightbox is working. I have used a hack for that in previous versions but it has to be fixed.
4. No cart image??

My problems


Hi again,

I solved In a product's page the thumbnails of images.


open default.php

change 99. line medium-image this replace product-image


Hi, Shoplab, Bluelab, CartLab and Skylab Joomla 2.5 Templates for VirtueMart 2 by will be updated to new responsive layout for mobile devices.




I'm really interested in either your free or premium VM2 templates, but is it possible to use your template only for vm2 pages? Main joomla template would be something different and only category, product, checkout page would have a kind of override the main template and vm original templates?
Is it possible, how should your shoplab or colorlab templates installed, the usual way and published in extensions>templates> make default, even if I want another template default for the whole page?

Thanks a lot.



Greeting was downloaded on 10/16/12 - is this version mobile device ready?

Thank you....


Hi Webbits, The Responsive ( Mobile ready ) Joomla Template is Businesslab3. More info: Thank you for your patience.


Dear VirtueArtcz,

I am using your template Shoplab its great a Big Thank You for that...

I've all set it up and customized it, except i cant make it to show prices.

I have set the prices in virtuemart admin, i can see them there altough
they wont show up on the front end they only show "Call for price".

Would you have any idea why is this happening... ?


Thanks in advance,

EDIT: Using: Joomla! 2.5.7 Virtuemart 2.0.12f and the latest downlaod of Shoplab theme