2.0.3.J main shopping cart doesn't show price

Started by StevenO, April 06, 2012, 08:56:23 AM

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Joomla 2.5 / vm 2.0.3J
The main shopping cart now has errors - The product is shown and is correct but now I have no - shipping cost showing, no payments,  nor a final price. same problem as in 2.0.3.h. For testing  use the standard beez template.

See attachment

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The main shopping cart for me in version J

It shows every thing correctly - except the total against the product

* the product price result - total is correct 
* and the total and the bottom in correct.
Shipment and payment is OK -
* this is just so StevenO is aware I cannot reproduce your error. Or it is not showing that for me.



are you using a template override?

what do you have for your pricing settings?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The same here "I have no - shipping cost showing, no payments,  nor a final price" using latest 2.0.3J in the main shopping cart.


I had the same problem when I used Yag Lightroom VMT, theme, override. Prices did not show in cart.
When I use the standard VM cart template/theme the prices show.


Yes you are right. It seems that with other templates everything works fine.. But VM versions till 2.0.3c (c or later ?) worked with the same template fine also..


Yes, it worked with override (other themes) until version h(?) I think.


We had to change a bit the calls for creating the prices. Example:


is now

$this->currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('taxAmount','', $this->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey],false,false,$prow->quantity)

The main reason was not to store the prices anylonger in the cart and to keep the session clean, so that more products can be added to the cart.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Hi Milbo,

Are you saying that the cart will not show a total for every product if I change the amount of products ( the total is correct at the bottom) but the actual product total stays the same
due to not being able to fit in code? Or just so mnore products can fit in the windows.

I have version 2.0.4 beta - still shows attached

2.0.4 - stable fixed this for me.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


in 2.0.4 Beta, the error seems to be that the quantity is commented out on line 373 - 378 of administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/currencydisplay.php :

/* if(!is_double($price)){
// vmdebug('Price is not double? ',$price);
$price =  'Price is not double? '.$name.'<pre>'.print_r($price,1).'</pre>';
} else {
$price = $price * (float)$quantity;

Probably a mistake after doing some tests.

Changing this to:

/* if(!is_double($price)){
// vmdebug('Price is not double? ',$price);
$price =  'Price is not double? '.$name.'<pre>'.print_r($price,1).'</pre>';
} else { */
$price = $price * (float)$quantity;
/* }*/

Will make it work again.


no is not a mistake, look in the svn and you understand.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Quote from: Milbo on April 08, 2012, 21:08:03 PM
no is not a mistake, look in the svn and you understand.

Where we have to look? you can link where...

But today, with 2.0.4 stable, without template override, we cannot see the "single" product price in the cart.
Joomla! 2.5.16 & VM 2.0.24b


update to 2.0.4 stable and now in the cart I can't see the total...
reinstalled VM with sample data and all it's ok. Suggestions? Maybe I've some problem with my database data?
where can I start to look for solving this?



Quote from: Loris on April 10, 2012, 11:21:07 AM
update to 2.0.4 stable and now in the cart I can't see the total...
reinstalled VM with sample data and all it's ok. Suggestions? Maybe I've some problem with my database data?
where can I start to look for solving this?


I found the problem: for see in cart this price you need to set to view prices in admin, in configuration menu.

For Milbo: i think this is wrong! The configuration of prices in admin can be useful to decide which price to show in a product view, not the prices to show in the cart table: they must be show always IMHO!
Joomla! 2.5.16 & VM 2.0.24b