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General Questions / Re: Debugging spinning wheel p...
Last post by Jumbo! - Today at 07:01:16 AM
This is a client-side issue, so there won't be any relevant entries in the server's log. To understand the problem, you should check the errors in the browser's console. I was unable to reproduce the issue and did not find any errors reported in the console either.
General Questions / Re: Debugging spinning wheel p...
Last post by nistune - Today at 03:46:07 AM
That is the issue, neither can we (even with their accounts from here)

The feedback so far is:

QuoteCustomer 1:
> Jan 14: I am trying to place an order through the online store and I just get the spinning wheel when I try to add to cart. I've tried two different web browsers and laptops.
> Feb 7: I can't place the order online. I still get the spinning wheel.
> Feb 10: I just attempted to try and add items to the cart and it still will not allow me to do so

Customer 2:
> Jan 29: I'm trying to purchase an individual license, but I just get a spinner forever after clicking "Add to Cart." I tried on a different browser, and had some coworkers try too
> Feb 10: Actually still doing it for me. Normally on Chrome, I tried it in Firefox too

Is there any other web logs I can access to dig in further on those days what might be happening?
General Questions / Re: Debugging spinning wheel p...
Last post by Jumbo! - February 15, 2025, 14:11:23 PM
I could not reproduce the problem on your site.
Templating & Layouts / Displaying the Total Order His...
Last post by hazael - February 15, 2025, 13:49:07 PM
If you've ever needed to know how many orders a customer has placed in your store, it's possible to display the order count based on the number of times their email appears in the database.

This feature can be super useful for things like:

Offering discounts to loyal customers. Quickly identifying frequent buyers.
It's relatively easy to implement if you're comfortable with basic SQL and template modifications (e.g., in VirtueMart). A small tweak like this can save time and improve customer management. 😊

At the beginning of the file we add the function In:/administrator/templates/vmadmin/html/com_virtuemart/orders/orders.php
function getOrderCountByEmail($email) {
    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    $email = strtolower($email);
    $query = $db->getQuery(true)
        ->from($db->quoteName('#__virtuemart_orders', 'o'))
        ->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('#__virtuemart_order_userinfos', 'u') . ' ON o.virtuemart_order_id = u.virtuemart_order_id')
        ->where('LOWER(' . $db->quoteName('') . ') = ' . $db->quote($email));
    return (int) $db->loadResult();
Behind the table header
echo $this->sort('order_email', 'COM_VIRTUEMART_EMAIL') ?></th>We add another header column
<th><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDERS'); ?></th>After colum
<?php echo $order->order_email;?></td>Add column
<td><?php echo getOrderCountByEmail($order->order_email);?></td>

I have some parent products with custom fields, to create child products. The parent product should not be orderable and "please select a bodysuit size" message appears (and 'add to cart' button does nothing) if a size isn't selected.

In the last week, when a buyer adds a child product to the cart in frontend, it is sometimes being added correctly to their order, and for other buyers sometimes (somewhere, somehow) it is being reverted back to the parent product in the cart (or at least it appears to be a problem at the 'adding to cart' stage, as our payment transaction confirmation emails also only mention the parent product). This parent product should not be orderable (and we then have to chase up that buyer to find out what size they want). We've received two orders from two different buyers, each for a child product which is derived from the same parent product - but in one case the child was added to the cart, and in the other case the parent product was added to the cart.

I've tried replicating the problem myself, but everything appears normal when I try - the problem is intermittant.

Could this somehow be due to buyers using different browsers or devices? This has only started happening at some point last weekend and I haven't updated any components for our website in that time, so this hasn't come about due to updating anything.

I'm using Breakdesign's Stockable Custom Fields plugin, who I've messaged but haven't heard from yet. I'm unsure if the problem is related to either Virtuemart or the SCF plugin, or something else entirely?

Any help is much appreciated!

Example product being ordered, which sometimes has the parent product added to the cart:

Joomla 4.4.8
Virtuemart 4.2.18
Breakdesign SCF plugin 1.8.0
PHP 8.1.31
General Questions / Re: Could not instantiate mail...
Last post by hazael - February 14, 2025, 10:49:24 AM
What your hosting administrator mentioned might not be entirely accurate. Everything works perfectly fine for me, and my mail system functions without any issues.

It's possible that your mail server has a low reputation, which could be causing the emails to not reach the recipients. If you share your domain address, I can take a look and help identify any potential issues.
General Questions / Re: Make VAT required in Check...
Last post by hazael - February 14, 2025, 10:28:57 AM
The selector for fieldA is incorrect: $('select[name="Document]'). You forgot to close the string for name - there is a lack of closing quotation marks. You re-declared fieldA instead of defining fieldB - In the second declaration, var fieldA should be var fieldB. The VAT field is most likely an <input> field, not a <select> - therefore, the correct selector is $('input[name="VAT"]').

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    var fieldA = $('select[name="Document"]');
    var fieldB = $('input[name="VAT"]');
    function toggleRequired() {
        if (fieldA.val() === 'invoice') {
            fieldB.prop('required', true);
        } else {
            fieldB.prop('required', false);
Virtuemart Development and bug reports / Re: wrong price rounding
Last post by Ghost - February 14, 2025, 09:43:42 AM
You can disable "Round only display" to remove discrepancy between internal prices and display prices. But I think it's a bug that rounding accumulates between products with or without that option.
Virtuemart Development and bug reports / Re: wrong price rounding
Last post by ViPeS - February 14, 2025, 09:30:28 AM
If you need to get Final price 3.30 then set Cost price equal to 3.30 : 1.19 = 2.773109, and set Rounding Digits to -1
Virtuemart Development and bug reports / Re: wrong price rounding
Last post by jankoo - February 14, 2025, 00:37:53 AM
on frontent the price is "shows" ok as 3,30..
but when i put more than one piece of the product in the cart, the accumulated price is going wrong.. as its somehow still calculate that 4 decimals and round only after that.. for example i have in cart price
164,82 for 50psc of this product.. im not sure if you understand what i mean.. is this normal behaviour?
how to prevent this? thank you