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Will the solution be overridden when updating the VirtueMart version? Any other ways with custom template overrides in VirtueMart?
General Questions / Re: Modification delivery note
Last post by PRO - Yesterday at 17:15:44 PM
He gave you the front end file. I do not knwo the backend file to edit, I dont use that feature
3rd party extension / Re: Stripe Checkout Payment Pl...
Last post by Jumbo! - Yesterday at 16:46:29 PM
Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart v3.7 released. This release contains 15 new payment methods - Amazon Pay, Pay by Bank, TWINT, Alma, Billie, Capchase Pay, Kriya, Mondu, Sequra, Sunbit, Swish, Multibanco, MB WAY, MobilePay, and Revolut Pay. We have also updated the Stripe PHP Library to the latest version 16.3.0. It uses the pinned API version to 2024-11-20.acacia. It also fixes a few compatibility issues with the latest VirtueMart 4.4.0.

We recommend all users install the update immediately.

Refer to the changelog and updated documentation to learn more -
Coding Central / Re: Remove a single product fr...
Last post by Milbo - Yesterday at 15:53:06 PM
Heyho, someelse pointed me to this this question. There is no cool method to remove a product. The bigger problem is, that you cannot delete a product by id, because a cart can have the same product with different selected variants. So you can only delete products by position in the list.

so lets assume you have three products in the cart and you want to delete the cart in the middle, then set in the Request (important you must use vRequest::setVar!), the old quantities and the one to delete to zero

vRequest::setVar('quantity', array(3,0,1)); then the first product gets quantity 3, the one in the middle 0 means will be deleted, and the last product with quantity one.

I did not test that yet, but it is kind of this. Check the function updateProductCart in the cart helper.
VirtueMart 4.4.2 11100
Joomla 5.2.2

Today, after switching SEF "from" enabled "to" disabled, the link to just 1 category no longer works. I've tried clearing cache everywhere, even turned off VM cache for the Category module. In the 5 hours I've spent on this, I'm out of ideas.

I continue to get the 404 error.

I even tried adding a new menu item with the non-SEF link. That didn't work. The only way "everything" now works is to have SEF disabled.

I had the problem before updating to what Max sent via Skype a few days ago, so I installed that today, but that did nothing to help either.

I'm certain it's a conflict somewhere, but even with debug, I got a little information and it didn't help me.

#    Function    Location
1    ()    JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:296
2    Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218
3    Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:261
4    Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:306
5    Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()    JROOT/includes/app.php:58
6    require_once()    JROOT/index.php:32

I can only guess that the "Helper" file is not...helping...

On this page - - of the staging site, there are 3 categories listed on the left.
Of the 3, the one that does not work is in the middle - Key Blank Search.
Yet, the others work fine.

I'm sure there is a quick fix, but I'm at a loss as to where to look next. Any thoughts?

Click on the image with the keys (Key Blank Search), or the text link in the Product Categories on the left and both take you to the 404 error page.

The only way to get to the list of keys is through the top menu "Shop > Key Blank Search" which is hard-coded in order to work, or in the footer where it's also hard-coded.



I've narrowed the problem down to the "Product Categories".
After enabling more categories, then switching SEF to no, all the categories work when SEF is enabled - except Key Blank Search - and when SEF is disabled, NONE of the categories work except Key Blank Search.

So for whatever reason, the module, "VirtueMart Category" is not complying with SEF.
I think the reason Key Blank Search does not work in SEF is because it was the only category I was messing with when I disabled SEF.
After I enabled SEF again, it no longer would switch - does not work in both SEF or no SEF.

Now I'm trying to either tear into that module, or, disable that module and create a copy to see if that works.

Disabling the categories and creating another module for them did not work...same results.

In the "main" menu, I had created a non-SEF link for Key Blank Search just after I switched off SEF in Joomla - right after I found that the SEF had not changed for that item.
I had not cleared cache and done my "due-diligence" to see if the link would work without switching off SEF.

I had also created a non-SEF link as a menu item, so I was battling that and didn't know.
When I switched that menu item to a VM Category link, and, included the category ID, that resolved the issue.
After that is was only a matter of reassigning the other modules for that category and everything is back to normal. Even after testing by switching off SEF, testing, then switching to SEF, everything worked as it should.

Administration & Configuration / Weird File Title after Update ...
Last post by MAD King - December 09, 2024, 20:38:37 PM
I just noticed that VM is adding a _1 to the uploaded image file title. It makes .jpg to .jpg_1.

What is this about now?
General Questions / Re: Bring Virtuemart back to s...
Last post by andrai2 - December 08, 2024, 23:52:04 PM
a little bit too late, but i wanted to share my thoughts on latest Virtuemart news post

The main thing that i liked is the acknowledgment off "chalanges and problems", to sum up:

1) Competiton 2) Download nummbers 3) Endless code chages 4) Lack of extensions 5) Virtuemart for wordpress

To rephrase:

1) We have big competition tons off cart systems out there 2) Not so big download nummbers 3) Code changes cause confusion 4) Lack off extensiosn, i would add templates too 5) Wordpress to atrract more blood

Again, I liked that leadership acknowladges and vocalize "chalanges and problems", it makes me think we have realistic view on the current state of ALL AROUND Virtuemart state

Maybe the wrong blief is that, that regualr small fixes and new features will somehow eventually push Virtuemart forward, i think it will just stay on float (hats off for regular small fixes and new features)

I think in some sense Open source free to use philosphy, has played  unwillingly "communist trick", killing the positive elemenets of captilsim (competition-driven innovation, profit incentives, and financial sustainability for creators)

My feeling is that somehow "everything will be fine" by it self, evrything will sirt out in good faith, could be misleading, my observation is that in joomla and virtuemart community are lot of people lets say in their Prime years and we should now how the life works.

If download nummbers and sales are down, than leadership should zoom out, see the biger picture and "find inner Elon Musk and launch Virtuemart to Mars"

Maybe virtueamrt could develop a service "Virtuemart enterprise" - for companies with minimum turonver 100 000 eurs, and charge there.

I think in this state any action is good, maybe the Wordpress will do the miracle

the main goal is just to keep fire burning.
General Questions / Re: Add product to existing or...
Last post by AH - December 06, 2024, 16:30:28 PM
You cannot do this in the base VM system
Administration & Configuration / "Use the vendor email address"...
Last post by EvanGR - December 06, 2024, 15:22:38 PM
The last few days, out of the blue, the vendor of the shop is not receiving email updates on orders.

The option "Use vendor email address" is checked, and there is an additional email in the "Additional vendor email addresses". None receive emails on order status update, and there's no errors reported.

It used to work fine until a couple of days ago.

If I uncheck "Use vendor email address", the emails are sent to the users that are set to receive system emails. Which is a good workaround.

Virtuemart has no problem with sending emails.

Something is changed or corrupted somewhere. Anybody have any suggestion what to check next?


[Joomla 3.9.27, VM 3.8.8 10472]
General Questions / Add product to existing order
Last post by sandomatyas - December 06, 2024, 14:46:23 PM
Is there a way for an administrator to add a product to an existing order? I know that the order can be modified, but there you can only add an order line item, not a specific product. However, we need the product itself because we need the total weight of the modified order, and also product data for an external API.