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Installation, Migration & Upgrade / Re: Update 4.2.4 to 4.2.12 err...
Last post by Milbo - August 07, 2024, 15:38:41 PM
Quote from: Jumbo! on July 17, 2024, 16:59:39 PM
Quote from: Margriet on July 16, 2024, 08:17:17 AMThis is crazy! Why should one change core files in a clean install?

We do not expect to encounter these bugs in a stable release. Unfortunately, there are some bugs that need to be fixed. Max, the lead developer of VirtueMart, is on summer holiday. As a result, I have shared a solution so that the shops can continue running until the next update is available.

No, I was not in holidays at that time and it was fixed within one week. But the fix is in the membership update. There will be soon a release with the new template for members and then I can set the 4.2.16 for free. But of course, there are also bugs.

Even NASA software has bugs, guys.

We had an hard time the last two years, Update to j4, to php 8.x then php8.2, then j5, BS5 and so on. We should have peacefull times for the next 5 years, no updates in sight.
Installation, Migration & Upgrade / Re: Update 4.2.4 to 4.2.12 err...
Last post by Milbo - August 07, 2024, 15:35:40 PM
Quote from: Margriet on July 16, 2024, 08:17:17 AMThis is crazy! Why should one change core files in a clean install?

that was fixed in my local core one day later afte report and of course fixed in vm4.2.14, which was released a week after the release of vm4.2.12. So the whole thing is fixed a month before you guys started this thread.

So members had this problem just a week and most members did not notice it, actually.
Installation, Migration & Upgrade / Re: Update 4.2.4 to 4.2.12 err...
Last post by Milbo - August 07, 2024, 15:34:43 PM
Quote from: Jumbo! on June 25, 2024, 19:38:05 PMHere is the solution.

Open - administrator/components/com_virtuemart/views/user/view.html.php

Find the following codes between lines 134 to 145:

// Load the required scripts
if (count($userFieldsBT['scripts']) > 0) {
foreach ($userFieldsBT['scripts'] as $_script => $_path) {
JHtml::script($_script, $_path);
// Load the required stylesheets
if (count($userFieldsBT['links']) > 0) {
foreach ($userFieldsBT['links'] as $_link => $_path) {
vmJsApi::css($_link, $_path);

Replace the above by:

// Load the required scripts
if (isset($userFieldsBT['scripts']) && count($userFieldsBT['scripts']) > 0) {
foreach ($userFieldsBT['scripts'] as $_script => $_path) {
JHtml::script($_script, $_path);
// Load the required stylesheets
if (isset($userFieldsBT['links']) && count($userFieldsBT['links']) > 0) {
foreach ($userFieldsBT['links'] as $_link => $_path) {
vmJsApi::css($_link, $_path);

no, just remove all of that, 
that was fixed in my local core one day later afte report and of course fixed in vm4.2.14, which was released a week after the release of vm4.2.12.

So members had this problem just a week and most members did not notice it, actually
Thank you, good idea.
You cannot solve it that way. You need to use the stored customfield ids and values which are in the order_items table in the column "product_attribute".
So we can say, if it is stored there, load it regardless the disabled state. New order items wont have the ids, because it is disabled.
General Questions / Re: Issue after Update to Virt...
Last post by Roderic - August 07, 2024, 13:00:39 PM
First advise would always be to update to the latest version, to see if that solves it. Your version is 2 months old, there have been quite a few revisions since then. Also for the Virtueplanet OPC you seem to be using. They both need to be on the latest version to make sure there are no mismatches.
I tried many times to implement this myself, but I cannot make it work correctly. @Milbo is it possible for you to take a look at it? I can buy some hours if you'd like
General Questions / Issue after Update to VirtueMa...
Last post by k2mdedia - August 06, 2024, 18:52:00 PM
After updating to VirtueMart 4.2.12 11014, one of my payment methods displays the Payment Description twice.

I believe this is an issue with the updated VM files. Please advise.

I wanted an image/thumb without alt argument because of the text readers.
The problem is that even if you set alt="" or not, it will display the file alternative text as alt argument.
echo $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb (["class"=>"img-fluid w-100", "alt"=>""],FALSE,"", true, FALSE, FALSE, $widthThumb, $heightThumb);
For me, it will be more logic to have in function displayIt (mediahandler.php, line 810):
if(!isset($imageArgs['alt']) and !empty($file_alt)){
$imageArgs['alt'] = $file_alt;
instead of:
if(empty($imageArgs['alt']) and !empty($file_alt)){
$imageArgs['alt'] = $file_alt;

This modification will read as:
if alt argument is not defined and the file has an alternative text, then display the alt argument as the file alternative text. if alt argument exist (is defined) but empty (no value) then do not add it to img tag; if alt argument exists and has a value, display the value as alt argument.