Display all products under the sub-categories of the current category too VM2

Started by vanaveno, February 11, 2012, 09:21:41 AM

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I need to display all products under the sub-categories of the current category too.
Example: Category tree is:
main-category1 (show all of products)
   -subcategory1 (only products subcategory -1)
   -subcategory2 (only products subcategory -2)
Now I get only menu of subcategories I not see products. Is it possible to change this I want to see products not menu subcategory.
I thing there is similar solution of this problem, but it is at VM 1.
But I need it for VM2. Thanks for respond.



I as well would love a solution for this. I was able to get this to work very well with"

But now that I've moved the site to VM 2 this is no longer an option. Any clues or tips on this?






So... I'm PHP beginner... but... this works for me... :)

After the setKeyWord function in \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\models\product.php place:

function untreeCat($vm_catid, &$ccont){
   $dbx = JFactory::getDBO();
   $q = 'SELECT `category_child_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_category_categories` WHERE `category_parent_id`="'.$vm_catid.'"';
   $dby = $dbx->query();       
   if (!$dby->num_rows) {
   } else {   
        while($tt = $dby->fetch_row()) {
           array_push($ccont, $tt[0]);
           $kat = $tt[0];
           $this->untreeCat($kat, $ccont);

Then search for this:

if ($virtuemart_category_id>0){
    $joinCategory = true ;
    $where[] = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` = '.$virtuemart_category_id;

... and replace it with following:

if ($virtuemart_category_id>0){
   $joinCategory = true ;
   $catscont = array();
   $this->untreeCat($virtuemart_category_id, $catscont);
   $qkat = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN('.$virtuemart_category_id;
    foreach ($catscont as &$kat){
       $qkat .= ', '.$kat;
    $qkat .= ')';
    $where[] = $qkat;

EDIT: There was one missing row in the code here. So I replaced the last part by the Piszi's version. (tested and works)


Actually I think you could make your code more compact if you concat your category id-s, than your query will result only one line or nothing.
So you could do a query like this:
$query = 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`category_child_id` SEPARATOR ", ") FROM `#__virtuemart_category_categories` WHERE `category_parent_id`="'.$vm_catid.'"';
This will return something like this: 1, 2, 3, ...

Oh and your $where[] mod has a syntax error
If you put a comma in the query and you doesn't have a child category than you will get a MySQL error because of that comma.
So you should make your code like this:

$catscont = array();
       $this->untreeCat($virtuemart_category_id, $catscont);
       $qkat = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN('.$virtuemart_category_id;
       foreach ($catscont as &$kat){
           $qkat .= ', '.$kat;
       $qkat .= ')';
       $where[] = $qkat;

Otherwise great work!


I modified the VM1 version only. The syntax error is caused by one missing row in the code here. ( $qkat = str_replace(',)', ')', $qkat); ) Don't know why it diappeared...  ???

I replaced that part of code by your version. Thanks.


Can you please send me product.php

on my site i'm getting
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in E:\xampp\htdocs\elifeaftercheckout\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\models\product.php on line 172

its not working :'(
Thank you
Quote from: Piszi on June 20, 2012, 02:01:23 AM
Actually I think you could make your code more compact if you concat your category id-s, than your query will result only one line or nothing.
So you could do a query like this:
$query = 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`category_child_id` SEPARATOR ", ") FROM `#__virtuemart_category_categories` WHERE `category_parent_id`="'.$vm_catid.'"';
This will return something like this: 1, 2, 3, ...

Oh and your $where[] mod has a syntax error
If you put a comma in the query and you doesn't have a child category than you will get a MySQL error because of that comma.
So you should make your code like this:

$catscont = array();
       $this->untreeCat($virtuemart_category_id, $catscont);
       $qkat = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN('.$virtuemart_category_id;
       foreach ($catscont as &$kat){
           $qkat .= ', '.$kat;
       $qkat .= ')';
       $where[] = $qkat;

Otherwise great work!


i tried this fix as well and could see now change. I'm in vm 2.8 and joomla 2.5.6.


Still looking for this solution.. Does someone have found a way to get this done?

Robert V.

Quote from: vanaveno on February 11, 2012, 09:21:41 AM
I need to display all products under the sub-categories of the current category too.
Example: Category tree is:
main-category1 (show all of products)
   -subcategory1 (only products subcategory -1)
   -subcategory2 (only products subcategory -2)
Now I get only menu of subcategories I not see products. Is it possible to change this I want to see products not menu subcategory.
I thing there is similar solution of this problem, but it is at VM 1.
But I need it for VM2. Thanks for respond.

Tested this under joomla 2.5.7 with VM 2.0.10.

Within Joomla if you create a menu item that will show every subcategory with the products choose VirtueMart Categories Layout as a link from that menu
for every subcategory make a submenu item that links to every single category layout.

Hence:  main-category1 (show all of the products) - link this one to VirtueMart Categories Layout -> This will display all the products of all categories.
                -subcategory1 (only products subcategory -1) - Link this one to VirtueMart » Category Layout (subcategory 1)
                -subcategory2 (only products subcategory -2) - Link this one to VirtueMart » Category Layout (subcategory 2)

Now depending on the amount of products you'll get a set of pages (default 10 products per page). Just enhance this number to display more products per page.

hope this helped.


Quote from: Robert V. on September 17, 2012, 01:43:52 AM
Quote from: vanaveno on February 11, 2012, 09:21:41 AM
I need to display all products under the sub-categories of the current category too.
Example: Category tree is:
main-category1 (show all of products)
   -subcategory1 (only products subcategory -1)
   -subcategory2 (only products subcategory -2)
Now I get only menu of subcategories I not see products. Is it possible to change this I want to see products not menu subcategory.
I thing there is similar solution of this problem, but it is at VM 1.
But I need it for VM2. Thanks for respond.

Tested this under joomla 2.5.7 with VM 2.0.10.

Within Joomla if you create a menu item that will show every subcategory with the products choose VirtueMart Categories Layout as a link from that menu
for every subcategory make a submenu item that links to every single category layout.

Hence:  main-category1 (show all of the products) - link this one to VirtueMart Categories Layout -> This will display all the products of all categories.
                -subcategory1 (only products subcategory -1) - Link this one to VirtueMart » Category Layout (subcategory 1)
                -subcategory2 (only products subcategory -2) - Link this one to VirtueMart » Category Layout (subcategory 2)

Now depending on the amount of products you'll get a set of pages (default 10 products per page). Just enhance this number to display more products per page.

hope this helped.

I know this solution! just ping me i will help you!


Quote from: mysaq on June 18, 2012, 23:57:30 PM
So... I'm PHP beginner... but... this works for me... :)

After the setKeyWord function in \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\models\product.php place:

function untreeCat($vm_catid, &$ccont){
   $dbx = JFactory::getDBO();
   $q = 'SELECT `category_child_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_category_categories` WHERE `category_parent_id`="'.$vm_catid.'"';
   $dby = $dbx->query();       
   if (!$dby->num_rows) {
   } else {   
        while($tt = $dby->fetch_row()) {
           array_push($ccont, $tt[0]);
           $kat = $tt[0];
           $this->untreeCat($kat, $ccont);

Then search for this:

if ($virtuemart_category_id>0){
    $joinCategory = true ;
    $where[] = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` = '.$virtuemart_category_id;

... and replace it with following:

if ($virtuemart_category_id>0){
   $joinCategory = true ;
   $catscont = array();
   $this->untreeCat($virtuemart_category_id, $catscont);
   $qkat = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN('.$virtuemart_category_id;
    foreach ($catscont as &$kat){
       $qkat .= ', '.$kat;
    $qkat .= ')';
    $where[] = $qkat;

EDIT: There was one missing row in the code here. So I replaced the last part by the Piszi's version. (tested and works)

Thanks for this solution, i made the following  changes to make this work in Joomla 2.5.7 and Virtumart 2.0.11d. 

function untreeCat($vm_catid, &$ccont){
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT `category_child_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_category_categories` WHERE `category_parent_id`="'.$vm_catid.'"';

$rows = $db->loadRowList();
if (empty($rows)) {
} else {
foreach($rows as $row) {
array_push($ccont, $row[0]);
$kat = $row[0];
$this->untreeCat($kat, $ccont);

if ($virtuemart_category_id > 0){
   $joinCategory = TRUE ;
   $catscont = array();
   $this->untreeCat($virtuemart_category_id, $catscont);
   $qkat = ' `#__virtuemart_product_categories`.`virtuemart_category_id` IN('.$virtuemart_category_id;
    foreach ($catscont as &$kat){
       $qkat .= ', '.$kat;
    $qkat .= ')';
    $where[] = $qkat;