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ReCaptcha/AntiSpam for VM?

Started by Hammerhead, October 24, 2011, 15:41:05 PM

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Is there a VM extension to prevent bots from registering in the store, or should I be looking for a Joomla component instead?

Bruce Morgan

There is a Re-Captcha for VM module that is available.  It works well but involves hacking a bunch of files.  Check in the extensions section. 



Quote from: Bruce Morgan on October 24, 2011, 17:27:06 PM
There is a Re-Captcha for VM module that is available.  It works well but involves hacking a bunch of files.  Check in the extensions section. 

Ugh.  I was hoping to avoid that.  Wouldn't it be easier to just select the 'require registration' option for checkout?  That would force them through the Joomla registration process where there are more readily available and robust components for such a thing, no?

Bruce Morgan

Im my opinion the Joomla registration is worthless if you are running an e-commerce site.  It confuses the user and prvents them from upgrading to shoppers.  I use only the VM registration.

The Re-captcha for VM is not so bad except that if you have mutliple hacks going on you cannot simply overwrite with the modified files they provide.  They indicated they would come up with a hack-free solution but i have not seen this yet.  I use this one and like it but you need to download a new version everytime VM is updated which I do not like.



Well, the only reason someone is registering on my site is to shop, so I'm not sure I understand if it mjakes a difference in my case.  However, the only ReCaptcha options I'm finding are for VM 1.x rather than 2.0, unless I'm missing something.  Do you have a link?

Bruce Morgan

Sorry, I did not see that your enquiry was specific to VM2.  I am still using the current stable version.  I woild not expectto see a lot of module puvlished for VM 2 untill the final stable version is released.  Hopefully that will be soon.



Uh... well, we ARE in the VM2 forum here.   ::)

Ok, so then would you say that a quick fix would be to use a Joomla 1.7x ReCaptcha component in tandem with the 'Require Registration' selection until a more elegant solution appears?

Bruce Morgan

My comments may not be helpful as i am using VM 1.1.9.  If Joola 1.7x and VM 2 still have separate and distinct login modules, my earlier comments are still valid.  There is no reason for you to publish the standard Joomla login module.  It if it not published you will not get spam registrations. 

As regards VM you can alow silent reistration which will allow users to orders without registering.  If you want to require registration then you should show VM as the only registration option whether it be from the home page or from the shopping cart. 

Again I have not evaluated the new programs yet and it is unclear to me whether the J and VM registration are merged or two separate modules



2.0 does not have a log in module.

YOU log into joomla


I think I could write it as customplugin in reasonable time, but that includes also triggers for the userfield, not done yet. But the possibility to have captcha is possible, we just need to add triggers instead of the hacks.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


I use a plugin called easycalplus. It does all of joomla and is also for VM. You should register with ReCaptcha for plugin keys to protect your site. here is description Protects Joomla! core forms and 3rd party extensions through the integration of anti-spam services and adds an arithmetic problem, a hidden field and a time lock.
Supported 3rd party extensions: ALFContact, AlphaRegistration, CBE, Community Builder, DFContact, Easybook Reloaded, Flexi Contact, Job Board, JomSocial, Kunena Forum, Phoca Guestbook, QContacts und Virtuemart
It does take some setting up but not that hard! Their are times though if things are not working in administrator that you would just simply disable it until your done editing and things. It works great for me! Also think about getting honeypot an anti-spam form that can be set up to help log and block spammers-bots Checkout my site at bottom the "NO SPAM" link, let me know if you tried and did get this plugin to work for you! Here is the link!
New User Joomla-Virtuemart.


Where are we on this?
I am getting spam via the new version of VM, but via the "ask a question" form. The previous comment regarding easycalplus does NOT support virtuemart in this version. I have used it effectively for a variety of sites, but the focus is on registration rather than comments and ask a question contact forms.
It would be very useful to have such a plugin to cover all of the forms used in VM.

Regards and happy new year!

David Jakob
..stressfreie Webseiten von


Agreed. I'm getting hammered by spam through the "Ask a Question" link. Ever single Captcha plugin I've tried does not show up on the Ask a Question page. I would be fine with a code hack if some one would supply it. As it is this form is completely vulnerable.


Quote from: tennesseepaul on February 03, 2012, 19:47:25 PM
Agreed. I'm getting hammered by spam through the "Ask a Question" link. Ever single Captcha plugin I've tried does not show up on the Ask a Question page. I would be fine with a code hack if some one would supply it. As it is this form is completely vulnerable.
I need some tool for this too...


please someone.... an anti-spam for the ask a question is desperately needed!

For some reason they seem to have removed VM support in the joomla 2.5 version of easycalc