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Attributes/Custom Fields Thread

Started by PRO, September 12, 2011, 15:02:49 PM

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Quote from: rvbgnu on July 19, 2012, 15:51:53 PM
- the same custom field WITHOUT cart variant is well translated (but of course no displayed in a dropdown list)
- with cart variant enabled, no translation

That sounds like a bug to me. What file/line did you find this?



Hi OpenGlobal,

Thank you for having a look at it.
I tested with the same Custom Field Type:    Cart Variant.
- First test with Cart Attribute set to "No" => language strings translated (both constant and value)
- Second test with Cart Attribute set to "Yes" => language constant translated (label) but value NOT translated

Call from

Debug stack:
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/language/language.php.JLanguage->_ : lineno 345() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/language/language.php at line 345
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/methods.php.JText::_ : lineno 160() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/methods.php at line 160
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php.JHtmlSelect::options : lineno 622() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php at line 622
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php.JHtmlSelect::genericlist : lineno 122() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php at line 122
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php.call_user_func_array : lineno 0() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php at line 0
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php.JHtml::call : lineno 222() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php at line 222
WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php.JHtml::_ : lineno 135() WEBROOT/libraries/joomla/html/html.php at line 135
WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/html.php.VmHTML::select : lineno 340() WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/html.php at line 340
WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php.VirtueMartModelCustomfields->getProductCustomsFieldCart : lineno 876() WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php at line 876
WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/product.php.VirtueMartModelProduct->getProductSingle : lineno 820() WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/product.php at line 820
WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/product.php.VirtueMartModelProduct->getProduct : lineno 574() WEBROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/product.php at line 574
WEBROOT/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/view.html.php.VirtueMartViewProductdetails->display : lineno 80() WEBROOT/components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/view.html.php at line 80
WEBROOT/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/productdetails.php.VirtueMartControllerProductdetails->display : lineno 51() WEBROOT/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/productdetails.php at line 51

Let me know if you need more details.

Enjoy the week-end  ;)
Best Regards, Hervé Boinnard - Irish Time (GMT)
Joomla! multilingual website and online business made easy -

3D Secure v1 (3DS1) & Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)! payment plugin for VirtueMart 3:
Authipay (AIB Merchant Services) for VirtueMart 2 & 3:

Kanasagra Jaydip

Hello All Friends,

I want to add custom field for attachment.
link when select custom field -> plugins -> (in dropdown VM - Custom, customer text input) so same this here i want to add file input.
so how can i make plugin for that.
in sort i want to add image file when user add to cart.

Jaydip Kanasagra


Hi all,

Does anyone know if it's possible to override the output of child products on the productdetails page?

What I'm after is converting the select box into rows of a table, with an 'add to cart' button in the last column for each child.

I've spent the better part of this afternoon trying to find (in the code and online) where this can be overridden, but with no luck.

Has anyone stumbled upon the answer while seeking something similar?



Hi everyone!

I'd like to know if it is possible somehow to prevent displaying Boolean custom field values on cart display?
I want to use Boolean fields to sign some product properties, like "second hand" or "discounted". It is comfortable to use a Boolean custom field to
this and Customfilter plugin can manage this well, but it is unnecessary and misleading to display these field's value, in this case a "1". It is enough to display the field's name.
Has anybody an idea?


[attachment cleanup by admin]


hello all, hoping someone can help me.
i have tried find the line of code that shows the price in dropdown menus in the front end of the product details, but cant seem to find the section of code to remove it so its not displayed, not sure why its in be default as i have yet to see any online stores with this, seen ones with + then the price in dropdown menus.
if someone could tell me what i need to edit the line of code and the file and i be really greatful.
i amm running the latest version of joomla and virtuemart.
many thanks all.
Joomla and Virtuemart Website Designer

My Website:


I have custom fields created using the plugin allowing users to enter custom text to be associated with a product (in this case youth sports registrations). The custom field labels all appear one after the other and then the input data. I was able to use CSS to have each appear on a new line by using Float: left but I need this to have the data appear right after the label with a line break after each.

Currently, it looks like the attached in the cart and even worse (no line breaks using float) in the order info. Which makes this difficult to sort through when adding participants to teams

I am using Joomla 2.5.4 and VM 2.0.6

[attachment cleanup by admin]


I have two questions:
- My default currency is CHF (Swiss Francs). when I cart variants to the product->custom fields with no price added that variant shows the euro sign in the drop down on the product page. All other prices show in CHF.. When I add a price like 0.000001 to the "no price" variant I get my CHF again with 0 as its price.
Where/what can I edit so that CHF (Default currency) always shows and I don't have to do the 0.0000001 step?
This would be very confusing for my customer.

- Is there ANY way to add cart variants with a check box (multiple choice) instead of the default radio box? This is a deal maker/breaker function for any food (or other) shop.


Awmergawd!  I finally found a solution to my custom fields problem and I think it's the same for alot of people.  Anyone having problems with custom fields that are a dropdown of many options - see this! 
It works perfectly and I'm super happy.  Look at the screenshots.

So all I did was create the custom field one time and then cloned it 12 times.  Now my customers can choose multiple varieties of products.  It's AWESOME.  This guy just saved me a ton of money in custom development and no VM2 hacks!!!!
Small Business Joomla! Website Design - Simple CMS Design


@jthrongard: thank you for that link. I have tried that plugin, but it doesn't support multiple choice (with check box, ctrl key, etc).


I cant believe something so common and needed was left out. I've used virtuemart for YEARS and hesitantly switched to V2.... I've only done 2 sites with it so far and cant believe the hassels. I know programming is tough and something on this scale is never easy, but something like product attributes? You guys stripped out so many user friendly features from the previous for what gains? I just dont get it and ever time I open up my current project to make some progress VM2 takes me two steps back. I'm trying the plugin provided above and pray it works, this is nuts. :-[

edit: @jthrongard THANK YOU! - I HAVE ATTRIBUTES

dev team - please add it back on a product level like the good ol' days - or something else easy to use....


Quote from: acuweb on September 12, 2012, 04:15:08 AM
I cant believe something so common and needed was left out. I've used virtuemart for YEARS and hesitantly switched to V2.... I've only done 2 sites with it so far and cant believe the hassels. I know programming is tough and something on this scale is never easy, but something like product attributes? You guys stripped out so many user friendly features from the previous for what gains? I just dont get it and ever time I open up my current project to make some progress VM2 takes me two steps back. I'm trying the plugin provided above and pray it works, this is nuts. :-[

edit: @jthrongard THANK YOU! - I HAVE ATTRIBUTES

dev team - please add it back on a product level like the good ol' days - or something else easy to use....

what "features" do you think are stripped out?

The custom fields in 2.0 are way better than 1.1.


I use Virtuemart 1 since the last 2 years and I like it a lot... I have made an online ordering system for pizza. In VM1 I had made a modification for having checkbox attributes.
Now I have to update to VM2. I have already made modifications to have Checkbox custom fields but I cannot make it calculate properly the price. It calculates only the price of
the last selected checkbox and not the SUM from all the selected checkboxes...

It would be nice if you could help me solve this problem...



After the reading of these 21 pages post I'm not reassured at all, no clear answer yet.

I need the classical package:  color select / size select with stock control
Constraints :

  • if I change the color the image must update 
    ->  I set up a generic child  variant field (in order to update the page), I base it on the reference
  • If I change the size I need the stock to update
    -> I set up a stockable plugin

The parent product has one child per colour
Each child (colour) has one child per size these childs control the stock.
To create the first childs, in their custom fields I checked the box "override parent value" then I remove the generic chid variant from the list (red cross on the right) and then I saved and only then I began creating the second childs (for the size).

These settings allow to have different images for each color (first child's images) but how can I update the stocks ?

I will have to use ajax I think, or perhaps am I doing things wrong.

Thanks for your answers,


I use VM 2.0.12b and joomla 2.5