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How to Translate certain texts like Sale! and Options

Started by alyatek, June 06, 2017, 12:12:26 PM

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Hello everybody!

So to have context see the following images please:

I searched everywhere for them, I went to the override language and nothing had result, I even searched all the folders with Notepad++ and got that I wanted, I went to the .ini file of VirtueMart language the text "Sale!" I change it and it does nothing, and "Options" doesn't even exist in there.

The second picture I can't figure out where to find it aswell, it's the comment section if someone can't understand what is it, I'm assume that is something generated by VM and should be in the translation files of VM, but it is not.

If someone knows where all of this texts are place I would be very much appreciated

Best Regards,


No, these are not coming from VirtueMart. They're from your template and 3rd party extensions.