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Show Child Products

Started by ahsan.abbasi, February 18, 2016, 14:54:21 PM

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I am using joomla 3.4 and vm 3.0.
I setup a store and added products,every thing is working fine.
Now i want enhancement in vm like show child products on product detail page.
For example user clicked on shirt,on detail page we have image price,description and addition information of parent product.
I want to show a child product some where on detail page which has image of child product and price and a check box on it.
If user click on check box this child product is in include in cart with parent product.
Now the problem is that i am not able to show the child product on detail page.
Any help will be appreciated.



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Thanks for Reply.
The link you provided is not working due to some reason.
I am attach an image which will make easy to understand my question above.
Can i have to purchase some sort of membership for this?


it is working that way. Just open the shop again. It takes the first time some seconds.
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Ghost isn't loading for me either, getting infinite redirect loop.

Here's one way to display child products on product details page:

$productModel = VmModel::getModel('product');
$ids = $productModel->getProductChildIds($this->product->virtuemart_product_id);
$ids = array_slice($ids,0,3);
$prods = $productModel->getProducts($ids);
$products = array();
$products[0] = $prods;
echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('products',array('products'=>$products,'currency'=>$this->currency,'products_per_row'=> 3,'showRating'=> false));

This will show them the way products are shown in categories. You can create a new sublayout and customize it.


Hmmm works for me, here in germany, where do you come from?
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Various web status tools report it's down. PageSpeed says this:

QuoteFetching the page exceeded the maximum of 10 redirects. The last URL fetched was This may indicate the page is redirecting to itself, or has a loop of redirects.


The Site was made by my and my partners. Due to wishes of my client, the site is only for German and Swiss Visitors at this time. He is a big wholesale for promotion articles, but only interessted in local clients. This is why you have this behavior at the moment. You can contact me or maybe Max via mail if you need access to the front end to be inspired. markus.



The page works for me from Sweden, even though it loads very slowly.


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


yes, that is possible, depending on your IP. as I mentioned: The web site is at the moment restricted.


Thanks for reply.
Child products are now showing.
Now i have another question to ask.
Custom Field Group:
I have two custom fields,custom1 and custom2.
I want to display custom1 lets say under the product Title and custom2 under description of the product.
In simple i want two different custom fields in two different locations on the page.
I already try to customized but all custom fields are showing under product Title.



Add custom field position.


Now i am able to add custom field to any where on the page by

Can we have the functionality of uploading the image with custom fields from front end.
For example i have shirt shop,i want to add a functionality that user will be able to upload a specific dimension image/logo when he is buying from shop.
We will than print this logo/image on his shirt before delivering the product to the user.



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