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[Solved] Virtuemart 2.6.6 Store form not displaying correctly

Started by razor7, June 27, 2014, 00:05:22 AM

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Hi, I have a fresh VM 2.6.6 and J2.5.22 test site and if I go to the store edit form it displays averithing in one page, no tabs, can't sabe or apply and I get a strange javascript error

QuoteTypeError: $(...).vm2front is not a function

This is the code that generates the error...

jQuery( function($) {
$("#virtuemart_country_id").vm2front("list",{dest : "#virtuemart_state_id",ids : "373",prefiks : ""});

This code is injected somehow by member JcountryStateList of the class vmJsApi in file administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmjsapi.php

If I comment that JS injection, I get another error:
QuoteTypeError: $(...).vm2admin is not a function

This time the culprit code is this:
$('.virtuemart-admin-area .toggler').vm2admin('toggle');

This code is injected somehow by member startAdminArea of the class AdminUIHelper in file administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/adminui.php

It seems that JQ plugins vm2admin.js and vmsite.js has some issues with my Jquery version? How may I check that?

Thanks in advise!

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Forget it, I had to disable the Button - Simple Image Gallery Pro from the plugin admin, that was causing JQuery 1.8 to be loaded
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

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