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virtuemart for joomla 3+ ?

Started by treet, February 10, 2014, 23:22:21 PM

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Is there any plan for publishing VM for Joomla 3.xx?

I would like to build my new product site with shop. When should I plan using virtuemart in my 3.xx projects?

kind regards


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


jenkinhill, he probably did (as was I), but all that info is almost 1 year old. And if all those posts are still correct, we can expect VM to have support for 3.* next month? That's great, even though, 3.5 release date was moved to fall, and 3.3 (which is not LTR) is announced to be released on April 1st.

I asked Joomla developer about the delay and that some components are waiting for LTR and the response was:

QuoteThat's bad habit of them. 3.x isn't a beta. How can we encourage then to write for 3.x?
A component written for 3.0 will run as well on 3.5. One doesn't have to rewrite it.


QuoteThat's bad habit of them. 3.x isn't a beta. How can we encourage then to write for 3.x?
A component written for 3.0 will run as well on 3.5. One doesn't have to rewrite it.

Hmm, so anything written for 3.x requires NO changes to run on  3.5, why am I not so sure that this will be the case??

LTR going back suggest more than a few things still to  be finalised.

Jumping on the first VM release for 3.x is worth a try but be aware that it will be a FIRST release.

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Sorry sirs, you can intrpret me as lazy and difficult, but sorry, I have to ask...

In the roadmap in the December 2013 Joomla 3.5 was shown as to be released in March 2014.

So, we have March now, how can I get any informations about VM for Joomla 3?  Maybe there will be any changes, as someone told about J3.3 earlier?

Thank you


Joomla 3.5 has not yet been released.

I would anticipate that the first VM version that was scheduled for this release would likewise not be available until joomla release 3.5  :)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


The release of Joomla 3.5 has been put off for 6 months by the Joomla development team, and a release of 3.3 (another short term supported version) has been scheduled to take place on 1st April with the requirement for PHP5.3.10 minimum,
An alternative update in the 3.2 series for people still using older PHP versions has, I believe, also been scheduled for the same date......

Along with this change in Joomla release cycle, the VM devs have been working hard to get VM2.5 into stable release for use with Joomla 2.5.x and then get back to working on VM2.1.1 which already installs on J3.2 will may later become VM3 - or whatever the revised numbering system requires.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you for your replies,

Could you please confirm if I understand correctly:

As the release 3.5 of Joomla is delayed about 6 months the VM Developers working on the version for Joomla 3.3 which should be released about April 2014 and about this date should be availiable stable versions of Virtuemart for Joomla 3?

Is that correct, that VM needs php 5.3 enabled? Is this the limitation? I have my portal on php 5.3 and it work - so is that correct that I can try to implement VM just now as beta version?

What is the problem to use Joomla 3 and VM right now?

I know and understand that it is very dfficult to answer on my questions but I would like to organise my nearest months and decide what to do with eshop which I would like to have built into my Joomla.


Look at the joomla recommendations for php

That is the base system your VM is working within.

VM will run in 5.3.x

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


For security reasons, next VM versions require 5.3.10 as minimum, but 5.4 is recommended.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


So, what is the propblem to use php 5.3 or 5.4 with Joomla 3 now ?

Is this is only one problem to use VM on actual Joomlas 3.2?



There is no public VM release for Joomla 3 (any version) That is the current state.

When it is released, it is recommended to use php 5.4 as I guess that is what the devs are working with, consequently they are unlikely to confirm the stability on 5.3.x.  Or test it for prior versions of PHP and note what the problems might be, hat would be a complete waste of their development effort.

To find the recommendations for joomla read the joomla org docs.

Will there be other problems (no idea, but run your test plans thoroughly yourself and you will see if it works for your specific configuration).

If you are waiting for a Joomla 3 ready version then maybe the devs can put a date on that, I think that this is driven, in part, by the quality and quantity of testers and therefore is likely to be fluid.


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


php5.3.10! we recommend php5.3.26 or later. VM3 runs on j2.5 and j3.2
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Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thank you for your helpfull answers,

so, as I understand I should push php and try to install any of Virtuemart 2.1  packages? MAybe other version ?