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How to Mass Associate Categories?

Started by ironlion37, April 24, 2013, 17:25:15 PM

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Hi, I've been seeing references to the ability to mass associate product categories in VM2. Where is the interface for this?


I think you'll need to provide a bit more information as to what you want to try and do here?

Are you wanting to mass associate a product to a large number of categories?

Or associate category's/subcategories?

Either way have you looked at CSVI
J3.6.4 / PHP7.0.12


Thanks sandstorm.

There is a VM 2 function available on the product view > Custom Fields tab where one can set related products and related categories. The result is that those products and categories are shown on the product flypage.

That however, requires going into each product and setting related products and categories - way too time consuming.

I've seen references to a "mass associate" function in Virtuemart. I don't what it is and I can't find it anywhere.

Ideally what I want to be able to do is show related products from within a category. So if a user is viewing a red clock, they are shown other red clocks available in the store. It's a very basic store functionality and apparently, the only way to do it in virtuemart is one product at a time...

I hope I'm wrong about that as it's essential to be able to do this. I believe it can be done with the products module, but that involves creating a module for each category and then a corresponding metamod module for each - again way too time consuming (I have 195 categories on this site).

[Edit]: Yes, I am using CSVI. Perhaps I could find a way to do the related categories there... But again, I saw this mentioned as a virtuemart feature:


ISTR "mass associate" is to associate products with a vendor, for use with the administered multi-vendor option.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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In case it might help anyone, metamod guy gave me a GREAT solution for what I was trying to do (not necessarily related to this thread topic):

Virtuemart: Show related products by category on flypage


Here's the solution to what I was trying to do:

Virtuemart: Show related products by category on flypage