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500 Error when using 'Notify Me' in 'Waiting List'

Started by antonitus, May 06, 2012, 01:42:32 AM

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There seems to be a serious problem with the 'Notify Me' function.

This is what's happening,

1. When a user enters their email address to be notified when out of stock, all is ok.

2. I can receive and see an email address under the 'Waiting List' section in the product that was out of stock.

3. My concern here is that I can only see an email address, however there are other fields (Name and Username) that never get entered because there is no way of them being entered under the 'Notify Me' section, i.e. only email address entry is available.

4.  When I try to notify the email address, I have in the 'Waiting List' when stock is back, I get the following error when "Notify these users now (when you have updated the number of products stock)" is checked and that I add stock from zero to whatever (+) value and when saved.

Quote500 - An error has occurred.
View not found [name, type, prefix]: waitinglist, html, virtuemartView

By looking at this, it seems that it's trying to find the name of the user, but not sure. If it is, then there is definitely a serious bug here.

5. If I do not check "Notify these users now (when you have updated the number of products stock)", it doesn't show the error when I save, so once again it seems that it is trying to notify the email address without success, hence, the extra field 'notified' in the 'Waiting List' section. User never gets notified.

I've searched in this forum to see if anyone had this problem, but I couldn't find it.  Surely, I can't be the only person who found this error.


My versions:
Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16



Hi I have just updated to 2.0.7 test version and there is a whole new field set up in relation to out of stock products, notify and contacts etc.
( it is under each individual product)

* Have  a look in inventory because there is a new - monitoring system there - even colour coded for out of stock .

Just might have a look at that - looks like they have been working hard on that particular area.

* Maybe save your site - back up and then upgrade and have a look. If your not happy then just re-install 2.0.6 and you are back to normal.


Hi John2400,

That sounds great. I look forward to upgrading. I presume this was an issue.  Thanks again for your kind information.  I do hope they develop a wishlist too that compliments notification of products that may be out of stock as well.

Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16


Odd number releases, such as 2.0.7 are development testing releases for the community to try and report any bugs/issues on the development & testing board:

Stable releases are even numbers, the next will be 2.0.8
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Last night I installed the test version 2.0.7 on a test site to test the new 'notify me' feature. First of, I like it, it makes more sense now and it can be found.  However I am still getting the 500 Error, as above and name and username fields still exist, which I'm not sure why as there are no entries for it.  Let's hope V2.0.8 addresses these bugs.  I can't wait till the next stable version, it will be interesting.
Joomla V3.5.1
Virtuemart V3.0.16


There will be a few 2.0.7 versions first. 2.0.7a is already partly built.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum