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Strange text next to sorting, how to remove?

Started by perenboom, April 09, 2014, 15:43:55 PM

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Since today I have this strange text standing next to my sorting of articles, category or manufacturer, see attached image.
It doesn't mather if you choose, article, category or manufacterer, it is Always there.
I have looked at the overrides, but without succes.
The only thing I did today was, after the update, to replace the default.php with the one I had adjusted.
But when I look in this file, there is nothing that appears to create COM_VIRTUEMART_DESC.
Can anyone help me out with this isue?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


K&K media production

You updated yesterday to 2.0.26d?

Disable your override and look what is happen.


There is no override enabled for this text.

K&K media production

disable your template overrides, not your language overrides


I don't really understand what you mean with template overrides.
Where do I find these?

K&K media production

Quote from: perenboom on April 09, 2014, 15:43:55 PM
The only thing I did today was, after the update, to replace the default.php with the one I had adjusted.

Do you have replaced it as core hack? Then use the default.php which is the original and untouched.

Template overrides:


Won't help I'm afraid. Can't reproduce it in earlier versions nor in 2.6.0.


The thing I've changed in the default.php: I have taking the original file, put the option of an Add-to-cart button directly in the category.
Then I placed the adjusted file back. In vm-ltr.css I have changed the order-button (fond-weight normal) and the size of the prices (0,85 em to 14 px). So there is nothing I have changed with the sorting option.
And it looks pretty impossible to me, that there are several shops in VM that have exactly the same problem as I have due to something that we all did in the core files, all at the same time after a update.

K&K media production

the simplest way to fix is create a language override for



Seems that those two lines in the language file your-root\components\com_virtuemart\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini
were accidentially deleted. As a result the previous "-/+" and "+/-" labels are not generated in the translations either and you see e.g. the key part COM_VIRTUEMART_ASC.

If you have an editor that can store text files encoded as 'utf-8 without BOM' (check your editor options) you can add around line 10:

Around line 152, add:

Do the same in your other installed language.

Alternatively, like kkmediaproduction mentioned above, create a language file override in your language using for example your Joomla language manager.

You do NOT need to hack any php or css files to solve this.

I'll try to fix the language packs later today.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I still think this has to do with template overrides. The strings for the +/- and -/+ are COM_VIRTUEMART_SEARCH_ORDER_ASC and COM_VIRTUEMART_SEARCH_ORDER_DESC


Looks more like something to do with the way some users have configured langage files, eg when adding a second langauge.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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