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[Updated] Release 2.0.21 G

Started by Milbo, May 23, 2013, 19:17:15 PM

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Quote from: Milbo on June 20, 2013, 20:41:26 PM
There are two new settings in the checkout tab for the mail. just activate it and it should work.

Ok, thanks. Now it is working :)
Previously, there was no value and did not work, and I did not notice this option.


Which one of these in the AIO update and which one is the main update.  Will this update override updates I have made to the css and default_products.php and calculationh.php?




Quote from: nickwiebe on June 21, 2013, 21:36:53 PM
Which one of these in the AIO update and which one is the main update.  Will this update override updates I have made to the css and default_products.php and calculationh.php?



I think that if you make the update through installer it will overwrite everithing.

First make a backup of all your moded files, than use a program simillar to Beyond Compare to track the changes.

I do it that way...


Nieckwiebe, please post your changes of the calculationh.php to The files contain the core and the aio. You should move your modified css and default_products.php to your template, then it wont be overwritten. Read here
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How Can I change Default items per listing view ftom 10 to 30?
I change value in Config->Shopfront->"Default items per listing view" from 10 to 30 and it is not working.

Can someone confirm this?
Maybe this is the result of my modifications. I do not know.


When comment
   //var $limit_list_step     = 10; (59 line)
   //var $limit_list_initial   = 10; (63 line)


everithing is ok


Filter (sort field) by fetured products not working properly if there are no fetured products.
There is no possibility to change (choose other) the filter/sort field.

Anothere question: Why the build in version of jQuery i so old.  Other components use later build versions (1.9.x or 1.10.x).

Also there are too many parameters which most of the shop owners will never use, and there are parameters which are important (according to me) but missing: wish list, favourite prodict (may be identical with rating or something similar) - both to have an option to be share to everyone to to be personal, and more images (may be 3 different sizes are enough).
In admin are product listing - may be we should see the Final not the Base price without tax (or may be it should be coded as an option).

Price creation is giving mistake with "Round only display" option ON if the final price (calculated after Aply button is pressed) have more than 2 digits as decimals. If "Round only display" option is OFF it is OK (see attached).

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Quote from: dido76bg on June 22, 2013, 22:33:08 PM
Anothere question: Why the build in version of jQuery i so old.  Other components use later build versions (1.9.x or 1.10.x).

LOL. Why is the world so unfair. why there are poor and rich people, why we just cant live nicely together. Easy, virtuemart is a PROJECT! If someone dont like the old version, what is todo? Install the new jquery verison, test the code, adjust the code, SHARE the code. Everyone should do what he can. I am not good in javascript, therefore I am not doing it. So the right method to talk about this topic is first to open a new topic, because it has not really something todo with the 2.0.21 releases. Then the right question is "Could someone be so nice and update the jquery? I would do it, but I am better in templating"
THAT would be the right tone. Which reason is there that we use the old version? I tell you, because we are stupid, lazy and of bad will. haha!

Quote from: dido76bg on June 22, 2013, 22:33:08 PM
Also there are too many parameters which most of the shop owners will never use,
Your opinion. You made a poll? How many shopowners do you know? I repeat myself no problem "Most people only use 20% of the featueres in VM and know maybe 30% and everyone uses other 20%."

Quote from: dido76bg on June 22, 2013, 22:33:08 PM
missing: wish list, favourite prodict (may be identical with rating or something similar) - both to have an option to be share to everyone to to be personal, and more images (may be 3 different sizes are enough).
And you compare configuration settings with complete own features. A wish list ist not a parameter, Favorite product? What is a favourite product, most bought? we have that. Share to everyone or to be personal? Seems you need something very special. You may ask around here. Of course EVERYONE says,.. yes we need it. Human always need everything. But ask what they would pay for it. Would they pay for it the wage they earn at a day for it?
You will see, people who really need it and would be willing to pay for it are maybe 5% of all vm users and suddenly you will understand that we concentrate FIRST ALWAYS on the things WE EXPECT to be need by more than 80% of the vm users. We call this system democratie, btw. It is a lot more social to help the majority first and then the minority.

Quote from: dido76bg on June 22, 2013, 22:33:08 PM
In admin are product listing - may be we should see the Final not the Base price without tax (or may be it should be coded as an option).
Yes and in takes calcuation time and most people are not intersted in it. In the first moment everyone says "HEY, I NEED IT", but in reality, you dont need it. You must calculate your prices ALWAYS WITHOUT THE VAT! IF you do different then you are a criminal, bhooom. Regardless which country, really.
A real merchant is thinking in net prices, thinking in gross prices is noob, sorry. But it is the truth. So in what is your merchant interested? Do you every considered that it is quite hard to show the right prices in the moment you have discounts based on shoppergroups/date and so on? Or if there are multiple prices. Okey I know your answer "why not showing final price if it is clear", yeh when it is clear, why to show then the prices with simple 20% VAT on it? If you see 8,10,12,20 euro, what is the gain to see 9.6,12,14.4, 24, instead? The product with 8 euro is still the cheapest.
And what happens when, like in Europe, the people have to pay sometimes VAT and sometimes not, what is the gain then? There is no gain. It is just this thinking "the sun must be yellow", "I must see the final prices", no you need not. It is a nice to have, okey, yes. Same like showing pictures of the product in the list. Yes, looks nice, but if you want to work with it, the performance is much more important than the eye candies.

So and why just dont add it? Because it takes calculation time and most people want to browse their products, not compare prices. It makes anyway a lot more sense to check the prices in the FE, how they are for the shoppers.

Quote from: dido76bg on June 22, 2013, 22:33:08 PM
Price creation is giving mistake with "Round only display" option ON if the final price (calculated after Aply button is pressed) have more than 2 digits as decimals. If "Round only display" option is OFF it is OK (see attached).

I wrote already about this a loong post. . You should read it.
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Milbo, I really do not know why you are so angry.
However. I will not spam.
Good luck


I am sorry did76bg,

you are not of them, but I admit I am pissed by people just demanding and insisting and to top that saying that we have the duty as community or as moderators of the community todo this or that, but behaving themself not as community. this is IN YOUR case different, because you behave like a community person.

But the other stuff was really often discussed, especially the rounding stuff. Really a lot of times. Also no one likes it if a thread is suddenly takenover by different topics, which do not belong to it. Furthermore you also had an accusive stile, or not?

So you wonder why I am angry, after you accused us? hmmm. Ahh yes you dont see that you accused us.

"Filter (sort field) by fetured products not working properly if there are no fetured products.
There is no possibility to change (choose other) the filter/sort field."

This is regarding to the topic, Funny is that there is nothing to sort, if there is no product. So you say that you cannot change the filter if there is no product?

The rest of the thread is OFF topic and most time in accusive stile. "Why is the jQuery so old" and "too many ... never used", "Price creation is giving mistake with "Round only display"".
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Dido I think might have been trying to help, however I am pissed off on your behalf!

Another question: Why the build in version of jQuery i so old.  Other components use later build versions (1.9.x or 1.10.x).
I have replaced the stock VM Jquerywith 1.7.2 - as I use cloudzoom and jQuery Tools v1.2.7 .

Everything appears to work well with this version. But why change if this is stable and works??

However Dido you fail to join the request for new Jquery and the statement below
QuoteAlso there are too many parameters which most of the shop owners will never use
.  If the team don't need the latest version of Jquery, why would they install it until they needed? Just to get a whole bunch of parameters and functions they never need??

QuoteAlso there are too many parameters which most of the shop owners will never use,
The more parameters the wider the user base can be (and we need a wide user base to keep the project live and interesting!)
Imagine Microsoft excel having the 80% functionality not used by most people removed!

Quotethere are parameters which are important (according to me) but missing: wish list, favourite prodict (may be identical with rating or something similar) - both to have an option to be share to everyone to to be personal
Yes but probably these fit into the "too many parameters, never used by most" category. Thus creating even more parameters.

QuoteAnd more images (may be 3 different sizes are enough).
Not sure where you are heading with this one - 3 is way too many for 80% of people and for a 100% if they utilise CSS IMG to re-size to what they require?

QuoteIn admin are product listing - may be we should see the Final not the Base price without tax (or may be it should be coded as an option).
The issue here is valid  - Milbo, From what I can see, the Cost price not the Base price is displayed.
We have a  calculation like this:-

Suppliers RRP = Cost price $100
We get a 70% discount to this - so we apply a marge of -70%
We then want an uplift of 20% - so we apply a marge of +20%

Our Base Price becomes $24

We see in the product listing $100  :(  Not very helpful.

Price creation is giving mistake with "Round only display" option ON if the final price (calculated after Aply button is pressed) have more than 2 digits as decimals. If "Round only display" option is OFF it is OK (see attached).

I never use the round only display - it does not help improve the display the prices for my settings, so I suggest Dido you do not use it either ?


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Hi! Please take my apologise if I doing rough but I am just trying to help as much as I am possible to.
So.... As I tested on my local host it seems that the base functionality of the component (shopping cart) is working well (I have made some small changes to admin view folder - closing and adding some missing tags, and removing some unnecessary (I will post them later).

I will reed more carefully the topics in the forum next time)


You are welcome dido. If you understand our point we are already lucky.
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Hi Milbo,

Great job so far, thanks.

You know this nasty bug with the stockable variants shopper groups, any chance that this will be fixed? This is a big headache long time now.

See an example here:

1. Go to
2. Login with: xondriki/xondriki (wholesale user)
3. Search for e.g. product BL206 on the upper right corner. The product will come in the results. Notice that you can see the product whosale price here.
4. Click 'Product Details'. You will see that the stockable variants don't fetch the wholesale price but the retail price..  :-\ Interesting note: you can see that they try to fetch it but immediately change to retail price instead.

Any ideas pls?



Hi atrus,
When did this bug come ? I am using 2.0.21c and use shopergroup prices with no problem.
This is really annoying.
looking forward for the final release.



I installed 2.0.21 f and i am trying to find the new Invoice Tool.  :'(

Can someone please tell me where it is?