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[Updated] Release 2.0.21 G

Started by Milbo, May 23, 2013, 19:17:15 PM

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It is in

VM> Administration > Shop > Invoices tab

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


I have set "Multivendor" back to "none" and now i can see the invoice tab.  :)



Hey kristobal1969,

The bug is noted in 2.0.20b but there is no indication that it is fixed in latest 2.0.21 versions.

- Are u using stockable variants with different shopper groups?

- Was everything working ok for you in 2.0.20b?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Atrus,
I understand better now what the bug is, but not really sure.
Here is a link with a product with a variation though the modification is + 0 €
You have a default price but when logged in with user digicon and pass digicon, you have the right price (lower than default as you are resseler with this account). No problem at all.
I am running VM 2.0.21c


Hi Kristobal,

Thanks for the link; are you using stockable variants plugin? So you mean after you login as reseller, the price of the variants is lower indeed?



Hi !
I am not sure to understand what "stockable variants plugin" is.
Can you send a link about that ?
And for the price being lower when a reseller is logged in, this is because I have a special price for reseller.
I think we should speak by PM or skype because this forum is not the right place for this discussion.


Quote from: atrus on June 24, 2013, 11:50:52 AM

1. Go to
2. Login with: xondriki/xondriki (wholesale user)
3. Search for e.g. product BL206 on the upper right corner. The product will come in the results. Notice that you can see the product whosale price here.
4. Click 'Product Details'. You will see that the stockable variants don't fetch the wholesale price but the retail price..  :-\ Interesting note: you can see that they try to fetch it but immediately change to retail price instead.

We fixed something like that, Please check!
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


About the G release, just installed and the invoices tab (an all the text inside) changed from spanish on previous F version to english.

Installing the language pack again solved the problem, anyway just in case this helps.

In this new version languages were correctly kept at the multilingual configuration of VM2.


yepp, and the invoice should also work for you, Kainhofer sent two small patches.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Quote from: Milbo on June 27, 2013, 11:03:19 AM
yepp, and the invoice should also work for you, Kainhofer sent two small patches.

Yes they work perfectly, also de print view is now displaying all fields from the invoice perfectly.



Quote from: Milbo on June 26, 2013, 22:04:17 PM
Quote from: atrus on June 24, 2013, 11:50:52 AM

1. Go to
2. Login with: xondriki/xondriki (wholesale user)
3. Search for e.g. product BL206 on the upper right corner. The product will come in the results. Notice that you can see the product whosale price here.
4. Click 'Product Details'. You will see that the stockable variants don't fetch the wholesale price but the retail price..  :-\ Interesting note: you can see that they try to fetch it but immediately change to retail price instead.

We fixed something like that, Please check!

Thanks Milbo, but just installed 2.0.21g and the problem is still there i'm afraid..


 I tried installing VM2.0.21g.. first he AIO and i get this..

Fatal error: Call to undefined method plgVmCalculationAvalara::setPluginLoggable() in /home/simba/public_html/plugins/vmcalculation/avalara/avalara.php on line 52
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


Quote from: rayge on July 03, 2013, 17:57:24 PM
I tried installing VM2.0.21g.. first he AIO and i get this..

Fatal error: Call to undefined method plgVmCalculationAvalara::setPluginLoggable() in /home/simba/public_html/plugins/vmcalculation/avalara/avalara.php on line 52

Of course, you must always install first the Core. The aio is using functions of the core.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


DUH okay im being Dyslexic! Sorry trying again.
I Use: Joomla 3.4.1 & VM 3.0.9


And what about vesion H!
I hope this one is one step before the stable version!
