I just have to ask, why Redmine?
Why not GitHub or whatever else where it's possible to contribute easily with code reviews, suggestions/pull requests, issues etc?
Why are VM still in the dark middle-ages?
It is easy to contribute. Seems like you have no clue.
First: it is intended that there is no discussion, no suggestions all that. Rule number one concentrate. It makes no sense to open another forum.
Second: if you want to contribute, create a patch. If you are doing good work, you get svn access. So long, you can create your own git.
Right ... god bless you Max.
I have the same problem, you say we can do patch, but a simple line or 2 of code get not tested.
It's easy to do but not done currently.
I hate hacking VM, but currently i have no choice, because i have to fix bugs in Virtuemart, and in update this get loosed(and mostly is not solved)
Why not Github, then any can check a branch and at end you win time and user can contribute.
Currently no fixes are added, or noone know if this is added in the new release. I don't understand why not github, seems your the only one have right to commit and valerie ?
I don't say my fixes are ideal for all, but noone can check this, i have no time to redistributes all my change for each user.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 09, 2015, 13:51:41 PM
and in update this get loosed(and mostly is not solved)
Why not Github, then any can check a branch and at end you win time and user can contribute.
Currently no fixes are added, or noone know if this is added in the new release. I don't understand why not github,
Excactly, plus the fact it's all public at GitHub.
If a issue is created all can find it. If it's fixed, or there is a proposed fix, all can see it - no need to continue doing all on their own in all corners in the world without ever getting it into the core.
Btw! This forum doesn't work well anyway, so close it if it bothers you to have GitHub issues on the side. But anyhow it's quite different things.
Ye github is not a forum, but It's easier to check Issues as in the forum.
And you can always report issues and give link back to forum.
And you can directly reply to issue and close it, or add a release with fix that some can test it.
Try to find the current fixes in forum provided by developers. Impossible to follow, impossible to know if this issu is closed and added in a repo!
Using github, you can follow all !
Patrick, your patches got tested and decided that it cannot be taken. Furthermore you worked 2 years within the team, so actually your case is unique, and you know that.
Max, whether Patrick has been in the team or not doesn't change anything in this topic.
Quote from: Milbo on September 13, 2015, 02:56:25 AMyour patches got tested and decided that it cannot be taken
On GitHub it would all be in the open, when it was submitted, when and why it got refused - PLUS the code/idea to improve/build upon for others.
It's why, i think the Github is a good tools.
YOu can contribute when you have time and when you have bugs.
Not need to be in the Team and Perhaps my solution was not the best, but the bugs are here and get not solved.
It's why Github have the freedom that redmine don't have.
YOu have a bug, you open a issue, add a branch, some check your branch, can propose some correction. YOu add fix in your branch and add and do a pull request in main branch.
I added some issue in Joomla, My codes are in Joomla but not all.
What you don't understand, max, is that you completly block the VIrtuemart Developpement.
After you have the last word.
Quote from: Rune Rasmussen on September 13, 2015, 11:29:08 AM
Max, whether Patrick has been in the team or not doesn't change anything in this topic.
Quote from: Milbo on September 13, 2015, 02:56:25 AMyour patches got tested and decided that it cannot be taken
On GitHub it would all be in the open, when it was submitted, when and why it got refused - PLUS the code/idea to improve/build upon for others.
Right, here in the forum it is more clustered, but also available. Also both of you forget, that issues can be solved and be broken again. Complex feature like multilanguage is a good example. There is a problem, we solved it, joomla changes something, we have to solve it again/different way.
The next thing is that the core team is used to the forum. Last year I tried to open the tracker again, it did not work. It would take a lot energy to change the habits of the core team. Redmine has also a tracker and svn works also with git patches, so actually you can work with GIT.
Git avoids the gatekeeper problem. The gatekeeper is the person who controlls the contributed code (in vm its me). I added without joke more than 1000s of small patches, ideas and similar distributed by people in the forum.
Patrick joins regularly this discussions because I refuse his code to 80%. If you want to use Git, you can do it. But the advantage of git is also the disadvantage of it. The more you use git to handle your own hacks, the more likely your next patches does not fit to the main version.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
YOu can contribute when you have time and when you have bugs.
The same here.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
Not need to be in the Team and Perhaps my solution was not the best,
The same here.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
but the bugs are here and get not solved.
This is really not true. I took some of your ideas, fixes. But some of them are not following our coding standards. For example you use a JRequest or JInput, instead of vRequest, JText instead of vmText and so on. Or you solve something with completly new code, leaving the old code there instead of adjusting the old code, and so on.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
It's why Github have the freedom that redmine don't have.
Imho we could use for redmine also git, it is not the point. Btw
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
What you don't understand, max, is that you completly block the VIrtuemart Developpement.
I cant see that. It is better to have 5 high quality coders, than 50 normal coders.
Quote from: Milbo on September 14, 2015, 13:29:34 PMRight, here in the forum it is more clustered, but also available.
Right, try to find any of it. Or at least follow up on half of it.
QuoteAlso both of you forget, that issues can be solved and be broken again.
Huh ...?! Things get's broken anyway, this is not a valid point in any way.
QuoteLast year I tried to open the tracker again, it did not work.
Redmine tracker? I can see why ... it's from the stone age like the rest of it I guess.
QuoteGit avoids the gatekeeper problem. The gatekeeper is the person who controlls the contributed code (in vm its me). I added without joke more than 1000s of small patches, ideas and similar distributed by people in the forum.
Patrick joins regularly this discussions because I refuse his code to 80%. If you want to use Git, you can do it. But the advantage of git is also the disadvantage of it. The more you use git to handle your own hacks, the more likely your next patches does not fit to the main version.
Huh ...?? Sound like a problem nomather what you use, if you don't keep things up to date (don't understand how to use it).
QuoteQuote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
YOu can contribute when you have time and when you have bugs.
The same here.
Quote from: Studio 42 on September 14, 2015, 00:02:02 AM
Not need to be in the Team and Perhaps my solution was not the best,
The same here.
Really, it is not the same.
QuoteI cant see that. It is better to have 5 high quality coders, than 50 normal coders.
Oh, you have 5 high quality coders? Anyhow, inputs and suggestions are always good if the receiver is able to listen and consider, and able to try to see things from a second angle. If not, it's a waste for sure. Maybe that is the real problem ...
Anyhow, you turning this into something personal thing between you and Patrick doesn't look good, and is bad for any "leader" to do in public. Just my 5 cents ...
Edit: Oh, and by the way. Git on Redmine is not even close to GitHub. This is not about git isolated, but the whole package, a quite different thing.
Rune it is not my fault if Patrick all the time comes with it. He blames me for not taking his code. The reason why I do not take his code is just, that it is bad code. Simple. If he would not blame me, I would have no reason to defend myself. And I was really polite, you have no idea, what I could say.
"Oh, you have 5 high quality coders? Anyhow, inputs and suggestions are always good if the receiver is able to listen and consider, and able to try to see things from a second angle. If not, it's a waste for sure. Maybe that is the real problem ..."
The problem is you, rune. I talked about coders, most of the people in the team are not coders. The forum is read daily by a lot people of the team.
"Anyhow, inputs and suggestions are always good if the receiver is able to listen and consider, "
No is not good if people all the time come with already solved and answered issue. I answered it 10 times already, but you do not listen. Or you do not remind that you did this discussion already. and btw redmine is not stoneage, redmine is written in RubyonRails.
But makes no sense with you Rune, you are known as trouble maker for any mod, same with Patrick, he is also known as troublemaker.
and it is democratic. There are 4 people who want github, but these 4 peopel do not commit code or their code is not taken. So why I should listen to them? It is more important to listen to the people who do the actual work.
It is really ridicolous to say that we are missing input or suggestions, we get daily inputs and suggestions.
Thanks, Max, for taking so many patches I have sent in the past.
I know, Max, I learnt that you don't take all the patches easily, but after a while, I understood that most important is to keep them simple and backward compatible most of the time. So I learnt not to break anything with a quick fix. ;-)
Yes, it's not always optimal, but at least with proper communication, things get done.
I just flew over the postings, but then, I don't like to waste my time with destructive talks, that leads to nothing. I like to get things done, and that is definitely possible the way, Max handles the developement.
Yeah, he is not everyones favorite, because he says things without putting sugar around his words, but well, some only need the facts and some need the sugar.
Happy living
Hehe ... you're simply amazing Max. :)
Once I did post fixes, helped out people in forums, even translated a great deal of VM.
Today I have lost faith in VM, and the way it's lead, mostly built on the way posts are responded to on the forums. Therefore criticism, which quite many else has raised. Sadly "leaders" of today don't like criticism, so all who dear to discuss even the smallest issue with them is quite fast being considered trouble makers. Wondering who it says most about. For the rest all can read for themself and judge if they like to.
Then tell me which fix I did not used and said nothing about it? I am sure I took them.
"mostly built on the way posts are responded to on the forums."
Because you blame and demand quite often. Look at your number of posts 94, in 7 years. 67 of them since 2014 (more than 33,4 per year). So you did from 1. August 2008 - 2013 only 27 posts (5,4 per year). It looks like that you are now more involved in forum then last years.
In the same time, some others wrote more than 2000 posts per year. Do you see the difference? No one working as mod in the forum is payed by the project, all is voluntary.
Additionally to that most of your posts are not friendly. And I remind there was some trouble between you and other norway translators. So the problem is not the criticism, it is your way to express it and that you are not happy with the given answers.
Max, what problems are you talking about now? Only problem lately was some inactive users that needed to be removed. Seems like you are just posting crap about other people now, to make yourself look better. Sad thing.
This isn't the only forum in the world, where support is offered. Also VirtueMart was quite popular some years ago, when it was run by Sören, and a lot of support was given in local forums and local languages by me and others. I have actually used and supported Joomla and VirtueMart from before it was named so.
QuoteQuotemostly built on the way posts are responded to on the forums.
Because you blame and demand quite often
I wasn't talking about my posts or topics, but this forum in general. And then not only your posts, but all posts in general also.
Don't you see Max, that also they way you and others respond to people, might backfire? There's more than one involved in most cases which escalates.
Edit! Anyhow, sorry for hurting your feelings Max. We've
both have gone fare off topic now, let us sort it out on chat during the week. I have moderated this last post myself now, so we (hopefully) have a better starting point for the future.
Quote from: Rune Rasmussen on September 14, 2015, 20:54:43 PM
I have actually used and supported Joomla and VirtueMart from before it was named so.
You said it, joomla. It is our fundament and creates permanent problems for us. Keeps us busy all the time to create code which works backward compatible, that means on old versions and new versions and additionally the upgrade should not break it.
if you want to change the tone in the forum, go ahead. All veterans will appreciate it :-) and newbies anyway.
Hi Max,
I never had personnally said something bad about you, but you assault me just because I have not the same opinion as you.
Some forum simply pretend not to have a problem on your atitude but nevertheless say in private conversation. The only concern, perhaps, is that I am honest and I'm not a double-crosser.
I don't come here to search you, you only feel it so. If the user had no problem with the core. Why then i resolve bugs in the forum?
I only inform you from bugs because i, my customer, french Joomla user had or have the problem.
Not that you agress me.
We have work together without any problem more then 18 months. You was happy that i help you for FREE.
And now each time you mean, i'm here to fight against you.
Check simply in the forum. You answer aggressively my messages and not many time the opposite.
I think , you only try to calm down yourself. And all would be good in the best of the world
When it comes to Joomla it's actually possible to test it before it's released, comment and propose patches. And then I'm not thinking on you alone Max, but the developers and users of both. One thing to consider though is that you always blame others for things not working, I can't recall to have seen you posting anything like a "Sorry, my mistake. I gentleed it up, but will fix it soon." - it would help a lot sometimes.
Quote from: Milbo on September 14, 2015, 21:16:43 PMif you want to change the tone in the forum, go ahead. All veterans will appreciate it :-) and newbies anyway.
While I agree it would be good to change the tone in the forum,
it would not help if it's only happens on one side. For the accusations, all should read for themself to see if they really are true and one-sided only: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=33400 (http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=33400)
Btw! If anyone believes that someone posting lot's of "go figure itself" kind of posts in a forum, is more valuable and helping out more than those translating and providing local help - try it out yourself for several extensions and the Joomla core. Se if it's much time left for anything else on the end of the day.Anyhow, well chat more soon as agreed on Skype yesterday.
Studio42 there are really a lot forum posts in which you accuse me for this or that.
and rune, you make the tone yourself. just look on the first post of this thread.
Quote from: Rune Rasmussen on September 04, 2015, 10:45:21 AM
I just have to ask, why Redmine?
Why not GitHub or whatever else where it's possible to contribute easily with code reviews, suggestions/pull requests, issues etc?
Why are VM still in the dark middle-ages?
First you blame redmine. Redmine has all of this features, but they are deactivated. Then you say "Why are VM still in the dark middle-ages?"
Actually I wonder why I just not deleted the whole nonsense. You clearly show that you dont know redmine and you blame VM to be in the middle-ages.
later you tell how great the time was in vm1.1 with Sören, but your own forum posts show the opposite. Next, compare the amount of versions, the new features in vm1 times with the vm2/vm3 times. You will be amazed how fast the development is compared to vm1 times. Btw Sören wrote in the first 7 years around 3000 posts, while I wrote in 7 years more than 7000 posts. We give tips and tricks in the forum, hints and all that, but we cannot do the work for others.
I nevre
Quote from: Milbo on September 15, 2015, 11:51:37 AM
Studio42 there are really a lot forum posts in which you accuse me for this or that.
I never accuse someone, i only give a response.
Sometime banquet Pro(or another guy) give bad answer. I correct the answer and had never problem with them.
Of course i give a poster reference to clarify my answer, when this is needed
Quote from: StefanSTS on September 14, 2015, 18:30:30 PMYeah, he is not everyones favorite, because he says things without putting sugar around his words, but well, some only need the facts and some need the sugar.
Neither do I. But as you can see Max, others has noticed it too, it's not only me. Frustration has been posted from us both
For Redmine, it isn't looking or appearing to be much user friendly no. For VM as a Open Source project, it's indeed not much of a modern organisation, or documentation on how to contribute, coding standards etc. It's all spread, outdated or simply missing. So yes, as a whole it's somewhat still in the dark middle ages.
But if you just can wait a bit, I'll try to explain better how I see things to you on Skype, as soon as I have time for it. Instead of us continuing to throw mud in all directions here...
Useless to comment it.
But here you can see how easy it is to committ something to the project http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=131346.msg452938 (the git was not necessary)
Git is not needed for you, but for contributor.
It's exactly what the linked topic made clear.
If All was on github. No need to do a zip, send patch.
DO a branch, write your code,commit, pull request. If the main branch, don't want use the commit then you can ignore it.
But this permit other to use this branch to check and add new fixes and do a new pull request later. And synchronize the branch, if it's needed.
This mean you can have parallel development, but synchronize your code with another branch if needed. Have tester for a branch without adding it to main code.
no it has nothing todo with Git Patrick, absolutly nothing.
I did not used the patch, I used the installable zip, not more. The reason I took it was that it was good written.
Problem in all case is parallel development in SVN.
YOu cannot developpe a branch and interact wth unoffical developper in SVN.
This is not a problem in Github.
You can have a branch fixing a bug, and another working on a feature, another team working on the plugins part ,and each time synchronize/ merge branches if it's needed....
I only say that some developper do not add fixes because they cannot propose it and test, it's to complicate because svn cannot be used for all.
I know you want protect code from error, but currently you block code from some third party developers.
This would not be the case in github and you have always the full control of the main branch.
It was the last post for me about Github. I think i have loose enought time now.
Thanks Rune Rasmussen for your try .
You do not even understand that. He could have used svn, git, or nothing. It makes no difference for me.
"I know you want protect code from error, but currently you block code from some third party developers."
This is a lie, just a lie. The third party developer can use our svn, or our svn with git, or his own svn ,or his own git.
Btw, the proof that you just lie is above. The developer just presented his code and we took it,... thats it, it can be very easy.
It depends on your code, not if I use git or not.
Ill let you guys know the opinion of several users of VirtueMart including me.
The system is great, really growing in a good way, bug fixes are great but we could be in a much advanced state by now, including many features that were never added.
There are many talented developers (including Patrick) which have posted fixes, codes and in our opinion they dont get the attention they need.
Max you are a great developer but too strickt, we all contribute in one or other way to improve the system and many developers have fallen during the years or surrendered trying to add code.
You may say I know nothing about code and developing and this has to follow some rules and I can't reply to that but please, let all this guys help you Max, I think the objective of all this people is to improve the system.
You can see posts with code in this same section where guys get no attention in their code posting or suggestions, including a feature a developer did for us which looks great in custom fields and one would consider a basic thing. I posted the code and didnt even get a reply not to mention it wasn't added.
Max you are a great developer but too strickt
I have to strongly disagree - @max acts as the gatekeeper and product manager to the project - his diligence is required - this may result in blockages or items not making the release for many reasons. That is the challenge for any would be providers, to make strong business or technical representations for such changes to be included.
Git no Git this is a moot point - the same logic for having development included still applies - the mechanism by which such development is submitted/proposed still subsumes to the project/business benefits and the workload of the "gatekeeper/s".
Quotemany developers have fallen during the years or surrendered trying to add code.
Sad though this may be, it appears to be a natural thing for open source projects. Look at the Joomla project in general, developers come and go - and as some of them go, they point fingers of criticism to justify their exit (read a number of Joomla posts that did this.)
QuoteThe system is great, really growing in a good way, bug fixes are great but we could be in a much advanced state by now, including many features that were never added.
That is a great point - and IMHO is because of the approach the project takes - we might be more advanced, but we could also be more fragmented and have many more problems, yes we may get frustrated because our ideas fall by the wayside, but the VM project is alive and developing in a positive way.
Lively debate is the feature of any product development - but as per all projects that are well managed - not everyone's ideas get taken everytime.
Maybe Max has something to say regarding the way developers can stand a better chance of getting their items reviewed for possible inclusion.
Quote from: lindapowers on September 21, 2015, 08:43:15 AM
There are many talented developers (including Patrick) which have posted fixes, codes and in our opinion they dont get the attention they need.
I explained this really very, very often. Anyone can work with us, SVN is also version numbering system. We work all the time together on different pieces of the code. Look at this revision http://dev.virtuemart.net/projects/virtuemart/repository/revisions/8956
Maik was working weeks on it, parallel while I did other core stuff and Alatak committed for the payment plugins. Patrick was strongly bound in the team and had also committ rights. So he was working with us, but he did not kept the main rule "stay at your task, do not edit files others working on". You say this can be solved with GIT? no! It cannot solved by GIT, it is a logical problem. You would have the same problems with GIT. Example, someone changes a well used function. He changed the 200 locations in the code, but missed 1-2. Patrick meanwhile worked on something else, got an error, opened the file with the function and reverted it and committs that. The normal way is to check the logs, to see that the function just got changed and to talk with the dev who did that. I lost really days, if not weeks by this behaviour, hunting already solved bugs. He is also known within the team as "fixes one, breaks two". This is nothing you can solve with GIT.
Actuallly GIT can fast lead to more clustered code. The advantage of git is also the disadvantage, that more and more developers do not work on the original code, but on their small customised forks instead. Then they develop something new and it works for their fork, but not for the original. Yeyeh test with the original, but experience shows that most devs test a patch just on their dev environment.
Quote from: lindapowers on September 21, 2015, 08:43:15 AM
You can see posts with code in this same section where guys get no attention in their code posting or suggestions, including a feature a developer did for us which looks great in custom fields and one would consider a basic thing. I posted the code and didnt even get a reply not to mention it wasn't added.
You dont get the point, it is not that we do ignore them. If someone wants to add a new feature it depends on its complexity. If it is a small thing we may add it, but if it is a complex feature, the developer must assure that he does the maintenance.
Take as example the stockable plugin, which was not developed by the core team, but a good teammember. As you know, there is no stockable plugin provided by the core anylonger, the reason is that the developer was not interested to todo the maintenance anylonger. So if you just think, "new feature, great, lets take it" without considering the long term effects, you are too short sighted.
Btw, someone wrote an updated stockable, he did not even ask me, if we wanna have it and provides it only on his page. I wonder if this is fair.
I only answer to your last answer.
SVN have not the same possiblity as git branch, or is more complicate to maintain.
Of course Many use git for he"s own, but it's the same case as in a real site using virtuemart.
Only Difference, is that you can check what other do in github but not in e real running site.
Sometime some use a fork only to do a test, but this not mean they do a PULL request after.
Try some weeks Github and you understand.
I use many time "test branch' because this fix my current bug and Joomla used own branch to fix bootstrap.js bug fix.
But joomla branch can be merged at anytime to the main bootstrap project(or not)
The problem we had in the past can never be in github or only if the main branch owner do not maintain corretly the repo.
You have not to give any rights as on the main branch leaders.
Quote from: Milbo on September 15, 2015, 11:51:37 AM
First you blame redmine. Redmine has all of this features, but they are deactivated. Then you say "Why are VM still in the dark middle-ages?"
It is more svn, that show its middle-ages orientation.
github or bitbucket or gitlab, will come with so much good code oriented tools, that redmine, will reduce itself for what it is good for :
planing, partinoning roadmap, task tracker, and perhaps some user oriented bugs escalation.
The problem, objectively & outside your own behaviours, is that for a commercial site, a VM update is not a shoot and forget operation
as a lot of code decisions (obsoleting, removing code, make api breaking change to outside plugins in your own eco system...) aren't
documented properly.
So for a more complex site, updating is often a branch decision and careful examination of all you decisions and [PATCHS] that
people are sometimes obliged to introduce to overcome some short-sighted/undocumented decisions made in inner circles.
Git would help here, as we could alway use 'blame' or 'history' directly in the code, and would be a much more efficient (and less scary)
process : update & review (i.e small increment adaptations).
Quote from: Hutson on September 21, 2015, 09:41:49 AM
Max you are a great developer but too strickt
I have to strongly disagree - @max acts as the gatekeeper and product manager to the project - his diligence is required - this may result in blockages or items not making the release for many reasons. That is the challenge for any would be providers, to make strong business or technical representations for such changes to be included.
oh, I didn't get the part of the sentence you strongly disagree with !
I was please to see it, but because I tend to read only the first part, not the 'strictness' ;-)
Quote from: Milbo on September 21, 2015, 12:56:29 PMI explained this really very, very often.
If something is needed to be explained "really very, very often", then it's probably something being wrong somewhere.
Quote from: whisky on October 09, 2015, 12:49:23 PMThe problem, objectively & outside your own behaviours, is that for a commercial site, a VM update is not a shoot and forget operation
as a lot of code decisions (obsoleting, removing code, make api breaking change to outside plugins in your own eco system...) aren't
documented properly.
So for a more complex site, updating is often a branch decision and careful examination of all you decisions and [PATCHS] that
people are sometimes obliged to introduce to overcome some short-sighted/undocumented decisions made in inner circles.
Exactly, thank you @whiskey
This post is from today http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=131662.0 another developer finds a little bug but he can't contribute other than posting in a forum, if the post is not seen by you Max or Valérie the bug will remain.
I myself posted bugs that were resolved in years, literally, the fixes sometimes were changing one line of code, fair to say many were fixed upon next release yes.
So I agree the system proposed here makes more sense.
And I dont blame you in saying you dont do the work, but is impossible for 2 to check every single post in the forum, everything that helps more people contribute and find bugs are more than welcome unless you want VM to become a one man army software.
I have report perhaps 20 bugs and some with solutions(perhaps not the best, i don't want do a polemic now). I don't send the last i found and other reported by customer and French users, because i only loose time for nothing. I am resolved only to help time to time in forum and not more.
Quote from: whisky on October 09, 2015, 12:49:23 PM
So for a more complex site, updating is often a branch decision and careful examination of all you decisions and [PATCHS] that
people are sometimes obliged to introduce to overcome some short-sighted/undocumented decisions made in inner circles.
Git would help here, as we could alway use 'blame' or 'history' directly in the code, and would be a much more efficient (and less scary)
process : update & review (i.e small increment adaptations).
I give yah a good advice. Learn svn. All of what you say is also available in svn.
and Patrick, you had svn access for years. You are one of the reasons that I do not use GIT and most of your patches are not working in our quality. Stop blaming. In the moment you create a correct patch, I take it. I would have rejected your patches also if we would use GIT, no difference.
and as I already said, create your GIT, use GIT. You can use the svn patches for GIT and you can create patches for SVN with GIT, so it is in your own hand.
Max, Why get excited now ?
I simply not report bugs anymore. Problem solved, never bad solution anymore for the core, I only help time to time forum user to solve problem.
For git : perhaps if we used GIT the problem was never with patch.
And i simply reply to linda power having same problem as me. Reported bugs, give a starting solution, but had never real answer. Many patch proposed in forum are not perfect, but most time the bug exist.