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How expand all product catalogue

Started by Selina, March 09, 2012, 19:38:01 PM

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Hi all, I am new here.  I am using joomla 2.5.2 and virtuemart 2.02 to create an e- commerce website. I keep most of configuration with default format.  The product catalgoue is displayed as picture    Is there anyone can help me and let me know how to show the expanded all product catalogue automatically not the collapsed one. Thank you for your any suggestion in advance.




try to change this line:

Code (\modules\mod_virtuemart_category\tmpl\default.php about line 8) Select
jQuery('#VMmenu".$ID." li.VmClose ul').hide();

for this:

jQuery('#VMmenu".$ID." li.VmClose ul').show();


Quote from: SamF on March 14, 2012, 11:49:22 AM

try to change this line:

Code (\modules\mod_virtuemart_category\tmpl\default.php about line 8) Select
jQuery('#VMmenu".$ID." li.VmClose ul').hide();

for this:

jQuery('#VMmenu".$ID." li.VmClose ul').show();

Thanks for your reply, I tried it but still not working. Is there any other suggestion?


Quotestill not working

did you refresh the page in the browser after changing the script?


Quote from: SamF on March 14, 2012, 13:31:24 PM
Quotestill not working

did you refresh the page in the browser after changing the script?

Yes, I refresed several times.


Bright :)

Look at the picture attached, that's how I see your VM categories module from the first shot, all subcats are expanded! Isn't that what you wanted?

And, one more thing: plus/minus sign on the right of the module header does not control VM categories expanding and collapsing, but module itself. It's your beez_20 template behavior.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Quote from: SamF on March 14, 2012, 15:43:55 PM
Bright :)

Look at the picture attached, that's how I see your VM categories module from the first shot, all subcats are expanded! Isn't that what you wanted?

And, one more thing: plus/minus sign on the right of the module header does not control VM categories expanding and collapsing, but module itself. It's your beez_20 template behavior.

So strange, which browser are you using? I am using IE9 , firefox, chrome to test... all the same... not expanded. I also asked my friend to see it on her pc and it is same.


FF10, IE9, and others - all the same: categories ("product catalog") are expanded, modules are toggle-able. It's not Virtuemart, it is a particular template handling for modules.

In your case, the code for collapsing/expanding modules content is here: \templates\beez_20\html\modules.php

Switch Joomla template, and see the difference.


Quote from: SamF on March 14, 2012, 17:54:45 PM
FF10, IE9, and others - all the same: categories ("product catalog") are expanded, modules are toggle-able. It's not Virtuemart, it is a particular template handling for modules.

In your case, the code for collapsing/expanding modules content is here: \templates\beez_20\html\modules.php

Switch Joomla template, and see the difference.

What I need to modify in modules.php? I am not good at programming:(  Thank you for your help


Quote from: Selina on March 14, 2012, 18:25:50 PM

Then better leave modules.php as it is)) CSS solution in your PM box.