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Configuring download plugin - help needed

Started by brentonking, February 29, 2012, 03:37:55 AM

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VM team has developed a plugin for it called "Shipment for Virtual Products". Purchase and download here -

I have just done so, however can not for the life of me work out how to use it. I have enabled it and have looked everywhere and can't work out how to set a downloadable link after purchase for a product. Is there any documentation for it?


Did you find the readme? But just in case, I can post it here (found a small error in it)

Manual for st42 download plugin for VirtueMart 2.

1. Install the plugin with the Joomla Extension Manager
2. Enable the plugin named "Downloadable Medien" with the Plug-in Manager
3. Go to the menu Products > Custom Fields
4. Create a new custom field, choose "Custom Field Type" "Plugin", choose "product download". Give it a title and set "Cart Attribute" to yes. Press save/store.
(you need todo this only one time).

1. Go in VirtueMart administration, choose the menu Shop > Media Files.
2. Create a new media. Set the role to "for Sale". Set the "Image Action" to "Upload" and press save/store.

3. Add the new customfield to your product, choose one of the uploaded file
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No I didn't see a read me, sorry. I did just notice it in the ""

Just to let you know the plugin was called "Virtuemart 2 | product download" on mine.

All worked ok in the process HOWEVER when I get the email with the link to download the downloadable file (in my case a .pdf) the pop up is coming up fine but it is coming up with:
You have chosen to open "filename" which is a: Adobe Acrobat Document (-1 bytes)

When I download the file it is 0 bytes and can't be opened. Any idea what the issue is there?


Also I have attached screenshots of each step, in case it helps.

Do I have the correct settings selected?

Also using J2.5, but I also have a clients site running J1.5 that I will implement this on too, once I get it working on my site first. So can't tell if it is a possible J2.5 issue only or not yet.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Also, just and update on this: The downloadable plugin - when uploading a file for sale it is saving it in to /administrator - surely that is a mistake? Which could possibly explain the 0 bytes size.

I have tried with a .pdf and a .zip file, but not luck. I can also confirm that the files that are saving in to /administrator are showing at 1.3mb (pdf) and 1.1mb (zip) in the FTP view.



I had the same problem, see

I created a folder and changed in the configuration the Safe path settings.
Now it workes without changing the code.


Thanks. I have tried the 'safe path' as well, but didn't seem to fix the file size. Does the file download and open fine on your site? Or does it come through at 0kb? Might possibly have to do with the dl key or something?


I do not understand your fix. I am not sure if you really use a path or mix it with URL. Maybe it is also connected to the AllowFollow Directive in the server settings.
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Yes sorry, I don't know what made me think my fix worked at the time. So I have deleted that one.

I did forward the email I receive for the order to Max, which shows the exact issue. Can I forward it to you instead to look at?

Also, just checking that the plugin is suppose to be loading the download files to inside the administrator folder.
In my VM Media File Settings I have Path for Sale set to: images/stories/virtuemart/forSale/
However the files upload to: administrator/images/stories/virtuemart/forSale

Is that correct?


i have insert 1 downloadable  file into product field when customer purchase product this file link is send their email with product details also user can download directly from link .

but now i want to plugin installable this changes for third party  so please Help Me i haven't idea how to plugin not overwrite third party's virtuemart just this change plugin
plz help..!   
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