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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<'

Started by rock08, February 25, 2012, 09:12:11 AM

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after correcting the error Call to undefined method shopFunctionsF :: PrintIcon ()

but then I get Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' / home / xxxxxxxx / public_html / templates / xxxxxxx / html / com_virtuemart / productdetails / index.php on line 80

check the php code was closed after the syntax but still gives me the error

sorry for my bad English


I added a file with the old functions here,

this is only a temporarly solution.
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excuse my ignorance but I do with the shopfunctionsf?


replace the other one in FE, that means /components/com_virtuemart/helpers/shopfunctionsf.php

Be aware that is a temporarly fix, when you bought the template,.. I am sure your templater can fix it within 20 minutes, maybe only 10. Just sent him the faq and he should know.
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