migrating 1.4 virtuemart to another server, and upgrading to 2.0 login problems

Started by Malanno, February 20, 2012, 23:45:08 PM

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btw using Joomla 1.5.22

using akeeba I backed up and transfered to godaddy. For the most part, it worked great...
this version has vm 1.4 and I have my products, the only thing that doesn't work is the login :(

soooooo I thought well maybe upgrading would solve the problem... It did not, but I'm excited that I upgraded, it's an awesome program. Well this time I no longer have products even though my database shows products, the vm control product shows none so all my category pages are blank with exception of, the three catagories... featured top ten and latest products are shown, just the text, no images.
this mversion has vm 2.0 and there are no products...

the login issue is the most important, the other is probably me being a numskull :)
it is apparent though that I lost my login in the transfer, and my category pages after upgrading..

any help would be appreciated :)


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Im unaware of VM2 compatability with J1.5, however it has been developed with J1.7 in mind. I would try upgrading your joomla to 1.7 using jupgrade(Its worth doing anyway, as J1.5 will not be supported from April) then migrating your data from VM1 to VM2, then use the DB tools to sync your media.

Once your on the release candidate of VM2, you could also try upgrading to the latest testing release, as this will fix alot of little bugs, especially if you decide to jump to J2.5 rather than 1.7

Liam Studham - Graphical Designer / Server Engineer
VPS & Dedicated Servers - Discounts available for all VM Forum users (PM me)


Malanno, gd's servers are usually overcrowded and their php restrictions too tight to allow a migration to work successfully. I would suggest installing a local version of the original site and running the migration there. At least you can set php timeout high enough to make migration easier. Then test on the local site before using Akeeba to copy and install on the server.

@luxuryvps VM2.0 does work on J1.5, 1.7 and, if using one of the VM2.0.1x developer versions, on J2.5.1
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ahh, I didnt know that Jenkinhill - good to know all current releases of Joomla are supported!

Good idea with making a local copy of the site and running the update their, I always do large pieces of work on a local server. If you are unsure on how to do this Malanno, you can get a piece of software called XMAPP - this loads Apache, SQL, PHP, etc. on your PC so you have a localhost webserver on your own machine. I personally use EasyPHP, which is another free alternative to XMAPP.

On a side note, doesnt the migration system have a continue mode - so if you do timeout, you just have to press the button again and it continues where it left off?


Liam Studham - Graphical Designer / Server Engineer
VPS & Dedicated Servers - Discounts available for all VM Forum users (PM me)


I want to thank both of you for helping out. You're very kind. I will do what you suggested... hopefully my next post will be one with a smiley face...