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Search Results - which template file?

Started by mark R, February 07, 2012, 00:37:25 AM

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mark R

Hi all,

I would like to customise my product search results for VM2.

could anyone advise which view file to edit to change the search results page.
(ie i do not want the categories at the top of the search page)

Many thanks
Seek and ye shall find.........
4 VM sites and counting


turn off the categories in the search configuration

mark R

Many thanks banquet

But which file is the template files would like to change the h tag for the product names in the search results

Thanks again.
Seek and ye shall find.........
4 VM sites and counting


look at the url.

Its "category" /tmpl/default.php   I believe


I am using the default VM search tool .. But whenever I a query is executed, it displays "0" results.

Please advise. Thanks.


Quote from: 100gods on February 09, 2012, 15:38:12 PM
I am using the default VM search tool .. But whenever I a query is executed, it displays "0" results.

Please advise. Thanks.

what do you have set for "search fields" in backend configuration


what do you have set for "search fields" in backend configuration ?
Well, I am not too sure ..

If it answers - I have activated the following plugins:
Search - Categories
Search - Contacts
Search - Content
Search - Newsfeeds
Search - Weblinks

Is there some particular way by which I need to configure the search fields? Please suggest.



Search - Categories

will return the categories when you search


Hello Banquet,

I disabled the rest of the plugins (content, contacts, weblinks, etc) - but still the search did not display any results !

Please suggest ! Thanks..


IN YOUR VIRTUEMART  configuration. THATS joomla search


Quote from: on February 10, 2012, 17:30:12 PM
IN YOUR VIRTUEMART  configuration. THATS joomla search

Oh !!
In that case, please suggest how to do this then?


Quote from: on February 10, 2012, 17:30:12 PM
IN YOUR VIRTUEMART  configuration. THATS joomla search

have you looked in the vmart configuration? "Product Order Settings" tab


Well, my "Available search fields" includes product names, short descn, category name, etc..
However, the search only shows results from Joomla content .. Any other string results in "0" search results !!
Seems VM data is not being screened.

Read on couple of forums, that one needs to use (some) plugin which includes VM data with Joomla content in searches.. If this is the case, can you please suggest any such plugin ?

Please help !!


then u need to use the vmart search module, NOT the joomla one


Maybe I don't understand you, but I've disabled all search fields exept Product Name and search results are still showing underneath categories.
Default Joomla 2.5.1 installation with no other extensions, default template and default VM 2.0.1f installation with sample data.