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Products within Category page "SQUISHED" in?

Started by spiritanointed, January 09, 2012, 01:09:49 AM

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Hey guys. For the most part, gotta say, I love this product! Here's the issue:

On this page, I'm selling CDs, and this page shows the products within the CDs category. The image of the CD covers are way too small (smaller than the set size for thumbnails I set, which is 190px) and the description beside the covers are really small, making it all look "squished" together.

Where can I set the size parameters for this? I've gone through the Configuration page and set everything I thought would fix this problem but nothing. Do I need to go into any of the files stored on my FTP? If so, which one(s)?

Thanks in advance

VM Configuration -> Configuration -> tab Template and:
- Do setting as my attached file
- Set ur default number of prd in row to 2

Then ftp to /images/stories/virtuemart/product
rename the "resized" folder (just a backup)

then try to refresh your browser and look what happend ;)

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Author of Jtouch - Mobile solution for Joomla & VirtueMart


Use Firebug to check the CSS and find where the image size is being generated. Mine had to be changed there not in the configuration menu.
The Spotted Sparrow
eco-friendly, vintage inspired paper goods