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Product Search Joomla 1.7 and Virtuemart 1.9.8

Started by peteward15, January 05, 2012, 12:36:22 PM

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Hi everyone.  This is driving me batty.  Sure there is a simple answer?

Running Joomla 1.7 and VM 1.9.8 - Can't get the Joomla Search to include products in results.  Can't find a Viruemart Search Module - is there one?


Joomla's search finds products OK for me. J1.7.3 / VM2.0

There is  a VM-Search plugin in the aio package for VM2 which should be activated.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for your super quick reply.  Maybe that's it then.  I can't find this plugin and can't seem to find an aio package to download? 


Ignore me.  I obviously hit every branch of teh stupid tree when I fell out of it!  Sorted now! 


I have tried all different things and it still isn't working for me.

I have the module up on my site but when i search it just comes up with all the shop categories.

I have joomla 1.7 and VM 2.0

I have uninstalled the aio and re installed it, deleted all the files and data from the database, reinstalled everything and it is still doing the same thing.

Please help


In the plugin manager do you have the virtuemart search plugin?  If not then install it.  Make sure it is published and all should be good then...


I have it installed and published and it still doesn't work.

Site is if anyone wants to look at it


Make shure the plugin is being published into a position that is available in your Joomla template.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I have the same issue, aio is installed. VM - Search, Virtuemart Product plugin is installed & enabled.(s.screenshot)
Search Modul in Template is from Typ "MOD_VIRTUEMART_SEARCH_DESC".

Also when i add the joomla search modul and try to search for anything, i just get an "HTTP-Fehler 500 (Internal Server Error)" Error. and the link looks like that:

Joomla 1.7.3, VM 2.0.0

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Are you using a minimum of 4 charachters for the search term? And using Joomla 1.7's default search?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


yes, i tried various search terms. on Joomla 1.7's default search i get an HTTP-ERROR 500.
on the VM search i just get the categories as a result back.


I looked into the apache log and found out why the joomla search didnt work(500 ERROR), i fixed it now.
but the VM search results are the same, i still get the Categories back.


This might just be related:

I have the VM-search module working and it even finds the products! YAY!

But here it is: In my template (yootheme) it shows the results BELOW the categories. I have alot of categories so at first I didn't even notice the module was working. I have to scroll all the way down to see the results. So, if you are unaware that your results are at the bottom of the page you might just think it's not orking.

Here's a new question I'd liek to add: How do I create a searchresults page, without all the categories that will be confusing for customers


I've read your topic a few days ago as I was experiencing the same problem with the search module. As I am using a yootheme template as well I first thought you were right, but to make sure I tested the exact same site with the core Joomla! templates Beez_20 and Beez_5.
This is definitely a VM issue and not a template issue. Search results are showing underneath categories in both templates!


Did anybody figure this out

This search results below the categories is driving me crazy

I have Joom 1.73
VM 2.02