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Product sub categories not using modified view

Started by JJBW, November 15, 2011, 16:56:27 PM

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Hi everyone.

Can someone help please?

I've modified the categories view and called it 'default1.php' and it works very well with parent categories but the modified view, 'default1', isn't adopted by child (sub) categories even though 'default1' is set as the default view in configuration and the actual sub category browse page view is set to 'default1' too.

Am I missing something obvious?

Does anyone has any suggestions please?

Many thanks for your time.



Many thanks for your very quick reply.  I'm using a template override.  It works just fine with parent categories but doesn't work with sub categories.

Thank you for you help.


create a /html/com_virtuemart folder in your JOOMLA template. Then for each view create a folder for it. THEN, you can change default1.php back to default.php. Then place that default.php in the view folder inside your template

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Thanks again for your quick reply.

Thanks for your suggestion but this is what I'm currently doing.  Still works for parent categories but not for child categories.

Many thanks.


What is your exact file layout? what is your choosen template? how do you choose? in joomla, in vm? Do you use layout/template overrides? What is your exact configuration?
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Hi Milbo

I'm using a template I made.  I'm currently using layout/template overrides.  I have both default.php and the modified version default1.php in my templates html folder, html/com_virtuemart/category.  default1.php is selected as the default category view in VM configuration and also set in each individual category and child category.  This all works fine for parent categories view but not child categories view.

I've noticed that if I select my template as default template in VM configuration I get an error message "The choosen template couldnt found on the filesystem: my template".

Many thanks.