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Images did not migrate

Started by binary, November 14, 2011, 16:43:08 PM

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When migrating our virtuemart 1.1.9 DB to VM 2.0 RC2, the image locations did not migrate to the new RC2 DB.  I copied the images to the proper images directory however when I go to edit the product and look at the product image tab, there is no URL or file name listed for all our product images.

How can I go about migrating the product images to our database short of reinstall and remigrating the data again?

Thanks.. we have 3000+ products so this is very important that we do it automatically.  I am great with SQL so if there is a way to cleanly do it through SQL queries please let me know.


you have to click migrate many times.
especially with 3000 products.

I have 350 products and know I had to do it atleast 4 times


Thank you for your reply.  Migrating a second time won't harm anything?


no, you should read the messages that occur after.

Normally, it tells you to migrate again


I have tried to migrate multiple times, and about 20% of the images finally appeared.  But after about 10 times trying to migrate, I'm not getting any more images appearing.  Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your help so far..


any special characters in the filenames etc? what language?


Thank your for your reply.

No special characters in filenames.  Filenames are hexidecimal numbers followed by .jpg

Language is English.


I am receiving some warnings in the migration though:

slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-one1189641421
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-two1025202362
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-three1350490027
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-four783368690

I renamed the original product names to product-one, product-two, etc for demostration purposes in the forum..


is dynamic thumbnails turned on?

both small and large images are not there?


Yes, dynamic thumbnails are turned on, and small and large images not there for 75% of the products. It just gives me this for the image ""

What is the best way to dump all the products and try again?  Maybe something is messed.


backup the site.

THEN, emty all the virtuemart tables

NOT vm_  then go again.

OLD vmart tables start with   _vm
NEW, vmart tables start with _virtuemart


Thanks.  And where should the images be?  Should the images be copied to the new images directory where VM2 wants them, or will the migration transfer them from the old shop_images directory where VM1 wanted them?

If the migration tool does not find the physical image file, does it still migrate the image name/path for the products in the database?


MOVE them to new standard joomla images folder

virtuemart. Just like it says in the configuration. Dont use old folders.

Quote from: binary on November 14, 2011, 20:38:34 PM
I am receiving some warnings in the migration though:

slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-one1189641421
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-two1025202362
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-three1350490027
slug was not unique in table #__virtuemart_products, added random number: product-four783368690
I renamed the original product names to product-one, product-two, etc for demostration purposes in the forum..

'slug" is the alias for the SEF url. They have to be unique