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Can you turn off the confirm order?

Started by chancehoggan, October 18, 2011, 01:20:46 AM

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I prefer having my VM always with it's latest version, so I don't want to hack the code because updates would override my hacks.
Is there any way to add the hack in the view, so I can leave on my template override and keep VM updated?

Thanks in advance


who decided how skip page-confirmation order?


I create my own checkout steps.

AND: as long as they click the "links" for "select payment" & "add billing" etc.
Then, they don't have the extra confirm.

You get the extra confirm when you click "checkout" then it redirects you to the payment page etc.


Quote from: PRO on November 28, 2012, 23:11:26 PM
I create my own checkout steps.

AND: as long as they click the "links" for "select payment" & "add billing" etc.
Then, they don't have the extra confirm.

You get the extra confirm when you click "checkout" then it redirects you to the payment page etc.
Thanks, but I not quite understand how this me help.

After changes Bunak i now have three steps and it's great:
1. basket (page - confirmation order)
2. registration
3. and again page - confirmation order
But is necessary to remove the third step, how to remove the third step?

P.S. Sorry for my english )))


Hi! I registered to post my solution to skip confirmation page for unregistered users. Thats it:

In cart.php in setpayment() and setshipment() functions replace this code

$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=checkout') );

to this:

$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=confirm') );


QuoteAll the more reason why we need this as an Admin option, so we're not having to hack the code for every release. 
I can do it, contact me!
Joomla Developer


The problem is that you developers see an issue like this one easy to solve while people think, why the hell they didnt include this option?

The less we touch the code the less problems will get posted here.

We are nerds yes, we need an option that says "please click here to enable auto confirm", that is why we use Joomla.. to avoid touching code.

To the eyes of the public Virtuemart has a 2 step checkout and it doesn't matter if we have to change one line or 200 cause the option is not there.

Pls consider it for future updates.


This option is needed in admin panel!!!

Quote from: Drakula2k on December 26, 2012, 15:11:36 PM
Hi! I registered to post my solution to skip confirmation page for unregistered users. Thats it:

In cart.php in setpayment() and setshipment() functions replace this code

$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=checkout') );

to this:

$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=confirm') );

Does it work for registered users or only for unregistered?
Он-лайн магазин за фототапети


download here, I added it also for the category list.

Stupid is just that we have now 3 different kind of dragable lists in the code. I would like to have one js for it. But it is not loaded parallel it is just an "academic" thing.
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thank you bunak for your solution. works for me.


Hello, this is exactly what we specialize in:
- there is no confirm page after clicking confirm button
- all the calculations are automatic over ajax and there is no need for further clicks to save them
- there are no links to the address views (BT or ST) and they just show at the same page
- the customer sees the shipping costs before saving his data into the database or session (it's still the database usually)
- it's all styled and you can choose color variants with our color picker

Many legislations require such summary as shown at the confirm page by Virtuemart. For example german law requires absolutely no other information between the confirm button and the total (there cannot be even the customer note). Because Virtuemart cannot provide the real gross total right above the confirm button, there must be a summary page or a 3rd party exntension installed.

Besides this our extension also adds a country specific details into the checkout logic
- Sweden - auto address from klarna social sec. number
- Norway - social security number is used by klarna, but never stored in the database
- Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish - payment per shipping when a specific payment method is not eligible for a shipping method
- Italian - a special privacy checkbox (second agreement checkbox)
- US - simplified price and tax display
- Canada - simimilar to US, but a little bit different tax handling
- NL - a special company pairing symbol that needs to be entered per each order even logged or unlogged

Please check our commercial One Page Checkout solution at

Best Regards,
Stan Scholtz,

Your customized checkout solution for Virtuemart


My solution with template overrides:
COPY from: components/com_virtuemart/views/cart/tmpl/default.php
TO: [yourtemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/cart/default.php

Comment out this line
echo $this->checkout_link_html;

Find this line:       <input type='hidden' name='task' value='<?php echo $this->checkout_task?>'/>
and change it to:
<input type='hidden' name='task' value='<?php echo "confirm"?>'/>

After closing php tag add this:
<a class="vm-button-correct" href="javascript:document.checkoutForm.submit();" name="confirm">

The end of file should look like this:

// echo $this->checkout_link_html;
<a class="vm-button-correct" href="javascript:document.checkoutForm.submit();" name="confirm">
<?php // Continue and Checkout Button END ?>
<input type='hidden' name='order_language' value='<?php echo $this->order_language?>'/>
<input type='hidden' id='STsameAsBT' name='STsameAsBT' value='<?php echo $this->cart->STsameAsBT?>'/>
<input type='hidden' name='task' value='<?php echo "confirm"?>'/>
<input type='hidden' name='option' value='com_virtuemart'/>
<input type='hidden' name='view' value='cart'/>

en jie rudd

Quote from: Kangelova on November 27, 2011, 02:21:20 AM
Didn't get anywhere with this...still wants a confirmation...I tried to look into $this->_dataValidated and it was set to "true" everywhere in the cart.php... I am missing something. Or it is not my day today because every change and fix I try to implement does not work  ;D


Just did it. Now it goes straight to confirm order. For those with less experience in php here's the way:

in cart.php

    * Remove the cart from the session
    * @author Max Milbers
    * @access public
   public function removeCartFromSession() {
      $session = JFactory::getSession();
      $session->set('vmcart', 0, 'vm');

//CHANGE THIS LINE ->>   public function setDataValidation($valid=false) {
   $this->_dataValidated = $valid;
      //       $this->setCartIntoSession();

//WITH THIS - >> public function setDataValidation($valid=true)

This solution worked perfectly until I enabled VM (2.0.26) default 'one page check out', it then all went back to the original state. Any ideal how to solve this?

Thanks for any help in advance.


En Jie


Darkheart, your solution not work for me - after this changes I broke my ordering - user must push Buy again and again and see order page.