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German language Pack for VirtueMart 2.0.0 (stable)

Started by jjk, September 24, 2011, 16:57:59 PM

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Just loaded the file admin virtuemart.ini from the SVN and it's corrupted - not UTF-8 saving, I suspect.

David Jakob
..stressfreie Webseiten von


Just checked it and everything is ok with this file. Encoding is UTF-8 without BOM. But maybe you opened it with an editor that saved it in a different format. Please check your editor settings concerning encoding.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



I tried to download this language-file, but it shows me only a indep.php to store. What ist getting wrong?


Are you working on a Mac? A few days ago there was somebody saying that his Mac Computer always stored the downloaded zip file as index.php, which of course is wrong.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



At the moment I have no idea why the download doesn't work for you. I'm using the same XP/FF versions you have and the download works absolutely ok for me. When you are logged into this forum, dowload it from this link:
Did you try a download from a different location?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


No, I tried it from this post, as you can see in the attachet screenshot.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


OK, I tried it with Opera an it worked fine, I could download the file. But I worry why Firefox won't do that...


I have to correct myself. I didn't update to FF8 yet, because when it was made available last week, I thought I better wait a few days until the third party plugin developers had a chance to catch up with the new version. When I updated to FF7 imediately after its release, some of my developer tools didn't work for a few days. maybe I should wait a little bit longer until they release a FF8 bug fix :-)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello, this download is not a zip-archive. When i will download, open a file this name "index.php".  ::)


Hello wendland1965

I use FireFox 8 and when I download the file I get a file that is named Index.php.
If I rename this to I get a valid .zip file with the correct size and content.

I don´t know if any other browser give the correct name but they probably do.
You should be able to download it the way I did.


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


jjk: Hello wendland1965,
No, it was uploaded as a zip file and just checked it. It still is a zip file. However, you are the third person within the past few days whose browser has a problem with storing the file. I suppose it's a Firefox bug. So far all users who had this problem were using the new Firefox 8.

I just had no problem downloding and storing the zip file with Firefox 7. Yesterday there was somebody who finally used Opera to download the file, because his FF8 also wanted to store the file as index.php.



Update: For more information about this problem please read:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Quote from: jjk on September 24, 2011, 16:57:59 PM
German language de-DE ini files for VM2 RC1.9.8k. Use Joomla 1.7.x Extension Manager to install the zip file. Joomla 1.5.23 users need to unzip the file first and then copy the folders (without the xml file) over their Joomla root directory. Includes de-DE language files as of 29th October 2011.

Note: You need to be logged in to this forum in order to see the attached file below

Addional Info as of November 16th: If you are using the new Firefox 8 for downloading files, it might store the zip file below as "index.php". In order to get a usable zip file, either rename it to the orginal file name or use a different browser for downloading the file. Previous versions of Firefox, including FF7 work normal too.


Quote from: jjk on September 24, 2011, 16:57:59 PM
German language de-DE ini files for VM2 RC1.9.8k. Use Joomla 1.7.x Extension Manager to install the zip file. Joomla 1.5.23 users need to unzip the file first and then copy the folders (without the xml file) over their Joomla root directory. Includes de-DE language files as of 29th October 2011.

Note: You need to be logged in to this forum in order to see the attached file below

Addional Info as of November 16th: If you are using the new Firefox 8 for downloading files, it might store the zip file below as "index.php". In order to get a usable zip file, either rename it to the orginal file name or use a different browser for downloading the file. Previous versions of Firefox, including FF7 work normal too.