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Started by Rob, September 09, 2004, 18:44:00 PM

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Hello and welcome.

Firstly this sounds like the wrong payment module for you.  This one requires the customer to enter their credit card details ONLY on the sagepay server and not in Virtuemart.  The customer is redirected to sage pay before entering the details. Hence a VSP process.  Sounds like you need this  (Sagepay direct).

Also configuration of servers can be done manually in the .cfg. file.  Just edit out the //  to activate the line of code.  Or enter // to deactivate a line.

No extra code needed thank you pages are automatically generated by virtuemart after payment is completed/aborted and redirected back to your site.


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly - much appreciated.

Yes, I think you're correct - re: not the right one for me. Sorry about that - I did warn you that I was a VM newbie!

Thanks again,
Leicester Joomla & Magento developer


With the files I have collected from here (and a bit of editing!!), I have created a new Sage Pay VSP Form payment module which uses the new 2.23 protocol.

Extra fields have now been added to transfer billing and shipping address details.

Forgot to mention this is for Virtuemart 1.0.15 :)

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The files I provided on the previous page had already been updated to 2.23 and have the fields modified.  You could have saved yourself the time and just downloaded that one. 


Joomla Version 1.5.10 & VirtueMart 1.1.3 stable & Protx/SagePay VSPForm

I downloaded the file from this thread I tried to follow instructions in the read me file however when i go to save the payment method i get this error

"Direct Access to this location is not allowed."

I have read through a few threads about this but can't see a solution, the threads seem to move onto other problems

Can anyone help



If you downloaded the one above, then it will not work with your Joomla version.  You need the one on the previous page from me which is designed for Joomla 1.5.  Look in my post.


Bingo jaddi01

That worked




Can you paste a copy of your cfg file here?  I think it's something to do with a trailing "/" but I'll have to search around to find out exactly what.


if( !defined'_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined'_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );
define ('PROTX_CPI_VPSProtocol''2.23');
define ('PROTX_CPI_STORE_ID''iowsr');
define ('PROTX_CPI_TxType''PAYMENT');
define ('PROTX_CPI_SECRET''gdfd99rrrfs');
define ('PROTX_CPI_ApplyAVSCV2''1');
define ('PROTX_CPI_Apply3DSecure''1');
define ('PROTX_CPI_REMOTE_PATH''/Simulator/VSPFormGateway.asp');
define ('PROTX_CPI_FAIL_URL''');


You might want to edit you post and remove your password asap, just in-case.  Also, I can't see anything wrong with your setup.  It may be Joomla related, I'll have a look about.


lol  I knew I was right with the link, just couldn't remember what... good job!


Hi all,

I would love to get this module working, my site is just giving me a blank page and not trying to go to the sagepay site! Any previous experience of this and quick tips to get it working?

I am using joomla 1.5.9, VM 1.1.3

like I said, once I get to the final checkout on my site it goes to a blank page.



Is it possible to pass the product category through the protx payment gateway with this module.

I have products like this

category 1
  prod 1
  prod 2
  prod 3

category 2
  prod 1
  prod 2
  prod 3

I would like to pass through protx like this:

category 2 - prod 3

What lines of code would i have to mod?

