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Different Product Display in Category Administration on Two Websites

Started by marvays, April 02, 2024, 16:29:11 PM

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I am currently managing two websites, both running on Joomla! 3.10.12 and VirtueMart 3.8.9 10473. I have noticed a difference in the way products are displayed in the category administration between the two sites.

On one site, when I view a category in the administration, I only see the products that are directly assigned to that category. However, on the other site, when I view a category, I see not only the products directly assigned to that category but also the products from its subcategories.

I have compared the settings on both sites and they appear to be identical. I am unsure why there is a difference in the product display.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any suggestions on what could be causing this difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


Check your configuration settings in Configuration/shopfront

Maybe it is this :
"Show products of subcategories"


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


AH, is the FE feature connected to the BE? Interesting, never noticed that. We could differ that. Or add for the BE another option.
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