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Empty slug product with id 341, entries exists for language

Started by scriner, June 24, 2022, 13:16:09 PM

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Today I have updated Joomla 3.10.9 - > 3.10.10 and VirtueMart 3.8 -> 4.0.2

And now I have error for some products:

Empty slug product with id 341, entries exists for language? ru-RU You may contact the administrator


Most of products displays without errors but little some have message like above. Display of errors disabled anywhere. Please, help me to solve this problem.


You have to check id 341 and see what is missing for this, skug ?, translation ? etc

editing descriptions when wrong back end language is actiivated can lead to this...

Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
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About this problem: message about product with I'd 341 shows not in product with Id 341. It have another id.
I have found reason: id 341 - it is a product which I have deleted many time ago. And until update from VM 3 to VM 4 that I'd didn't made any problems to me. But now I see same messages very often.
Solve: I have to create new product and change its id through database directly. It takes many time.

Maybe somebody know how to disable the message? Or may be devepers will fix this problem in nearest relies?


did you delete a child product?

I have some "ghost" child products I cant fully delete.


Same issue with deleted products, I have tried to update database un WM tools but same result...

Is someone have a solution ?

Thx !


Quote from: PRO on August 14, 2022, 01:29:40 AM
did you delete a child product?

I have some "ghost" child products I cant fully delete.

I don't remember. But I think that most of products was childs themselves. It was years ago and it wasn't problem until update to virtuemart 4.

I think that this message is a bag that need to be fixed in next release of virtuemart.


Quote from: zaldiar on August 31, 2022, 16:06:48 PM
Same issue with deleted products, I have tried to update database un WM tools but same result...

Is someone have a solution ?

Temporary solution is to create new product and change its id to that is showing in error through database directly. But it is problem if you see this error in many products, it is too boring.

Thx !


Problem is still exist.

Does anybody can say how to disable this error message? may be by editing core files.

I had other message that I need to set VM as menu item (during when I have VM menu item). I had to edit router.php to disable this message.


You could try to check if this product with ID 341 is not still attached as a related product to some of product.
J3.10.12 | PHP 7.4.33 + APC + Opcode
VM Prod : 3.8.6 | VM Test : 4.4.4 11100


Quote from: sirius on January 20, 2023, 10:10:31 AM
You could try to check if this product with ID 341 is not still attached as a related product to some of product.

No. It is deleted product.

This time, I can fix it manualy by creating new product and chenging its ID to 341 in virtuemart_products and virtuemart_products_ru_ru tables in DB.

But I tired to fix it every time. This error message dont help any way, just irritate.

Best solve may be to disable this message at all.


i have same problem. is there a way to disabled the error message to show ?



J3.10.12 | PHP 7.4.33 + APC + Opcode
VM Prod : 3.8.6 | VM Test : 4.4.4 11100


Go to the VirtueMart product editing page for the product with ID 341 in the Russian language version of your website. Check to see if the slug field is empty, and if it is, try adding a new slug.

GJC Web Design

Another reason is if u have a "Related Product" configured and later you delete it .. the reference is still there pointing to a non-existent product.
Solve by removing the related product reference
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OMG, I have found the solve.

Admins and developers don't make attention on this problem because they use EN version and don't see "Empty slug" error. But many users with another frontend language have this error. Just check "virtuemart Empty slug" on google.

Solve in file \administrator\components\com_virtuemart\models\product.php, it needs to comment lines 1725 - 1730.

But in needs to solve again after update. And don't delete products anytime, this is the reason of this problem appears.