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Bad TOS modal window position

Started by Siguana, March 26, 2019, 13:20:45 PM

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  Joomla 3.9 and VM 3.4.

  Inside the shopping cart, I can read the TOS when I click on it.  But, when the TOS modal window pops up, it is in a very bad position, in a very low position, so I need to scroll down the window for reading it.

  I can "fix it" in Chrome or Firebox with the browser developer tools.  If I look for "fancybox-wrap" div and I change the top value, for example, to 50%, it looks fine.  But I don't know which line of which file I should edit for fixing it.  Any idea about this?

derek webster

I had this problem when there was a script loading BEFORE the opening <HTML> tag. but it was on the Image Modal and the Add to cart. Are you using Fancybox? do you have a URL?


  Yes, I am using Fancybox.  It happens also when I add a product to the cart.

  You can check here the website:


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

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