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plgVmOnAddToCart with a cart instead of a product??

Started by sgareste, April 19, 2018, 17:19:43 PM

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In components/com_virtuemart/helpers/cart.php, in the add($virtuemart_product_ids=null,&$errorMsg='') function, around the bottom there is a

Every function plgVmOnAddToCart function that I can find in plugins and others are expecting a $product, and this is sending a VirtuemartCart. Is this a wanted behavior? How can we figure out which virtuemart_product_id was just added, given that the cart doesn't show the difference between what was there and what is new?


Studio 42

plgVmOnAddToCart, is to check all cart  not only product,
Using $this, you can get any information from cart.
using $product, you only can have product information.