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Recently released Litespeed Extension usage with virtuemart

Started by ahmedfouad, March 12, 2018, 10:31:46 AM

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Litespeed recently released extension for Joomla and It's a massive performance gain for me.
I was using Jotcach to handle Virtuemart pages with Joomla conservative cashing every thing worked fine but the site capabilities to handle requests was low.
Now I want to switch to Litespeed and I wounder if any one did try it and can help me to configure it the right.

Studio 42

If you speak about Litespeed Server compared to apache, this should work same.
But about speed, if you have an apache + nginx server, it can have the same performance as lightspeed, it really depends on content, caching, settings and optimizations.
A simple update to PHP7 can give a boost of 25% speed.
And page cache cannot be used in a shop because you need to display live datas, for a Joomla blog you can set cache to 30 minutes or why not a day and categories tree have same problem, i wrote a module that include a full cache but only for the tree not the final render for eg. because each category page need another render


Thank you for your time and reply.
I will update to PHP 7 and study the results.