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VM product search facility two problems!!

Started by ch1vph, February 04, 2018, 16:45:26 PM

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I've had a bit of an issue with the VM product search facility for a while but this is now a problem for customers:

The first issue is that the search only works for exact matches of a phrase and is not broad match ie if I type 'black clutch' I get No result : (black clutch ) but if I type 'clutch black' (as it appears on the products title) I get a result! IS THERE A WAY AROUND THIS ISSUE!?

Secondly is there any way to be able to search the entire shop even if a customer is in a subcategory??

VirtueMart 3.2.12
Joomla! 3.8.3
PHP Version 5.6.32

Studio 42

The only way to have more flexibilty, is to use Joomla com finder, but currrently Virtuemart only partial support it and you have to update / index database manually.
Finder use same type of search as google.


Ok thanks! Do you know of any plugins at all??

Studio 42

You have
I tried to implement it, but it's to complex to use, because missing trigger in Virtuemart.
I don't know if a Core dev want add it a day, this are only trigger to add in admin on Save, publish ..., so it's not complicate, but the plugin in github have some flaw and need to be rewrite too, but should work if you have a light shop else it's a pain to use in the current state.
As explained in the other topic, i wrote for some months(or year) a similar plugin, but needed hack Virtuemart core in my customer website, so i abandoned the finder plugin project.


Hi many thanks for reply! I'll have a closer look a bit later.

For now though I have got the 'BreakDesigns' Filters Plugin which works straight out the box! (It should also work well with all the other DBreaks plugins I've had to purchase to get the the shop working)