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Safe Path

Started by Terrenuit, August 12, 2017, 20:38:11 PM

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after having installed my VM 3.2.2, I have a message:
vmError: Warning, the Safe Path is not accessible (does not exist or no permission). For safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL or unguessable name, create also a folder 'invoices' and 'keys' in it to store your sensitive data secure. Our suggested path is for your system /homepages/8/d666881175/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Joomla/vmfiles/
I know I will create a vmfiles, a folder in my website, but I d'ont know how to do the link in the field "Safe Path".
for ex. if my website is:
so the link will be "/homepages/8/d666881175/htdocs/ " ? or not ?
do so body can help me ? please !


The suggested path looks a little bit weird. Probably due to an unusual server setting.
Have a look at this:
It was written for older versions of VM, but the method to look up the path information (follow the links) for your domain is still valid.

Am I correct that you were using a 1&1 service named 'clickandbuilds' to install Joomla? I would rather download the latest stable Joomla version from and follow their installation manual. If you do that, the suggested safe path for VirtueMart would be correct. The 1&1 service seems to install it into a strange 'clickandbuilds/joomla' subfolder to which your domain is redirected.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Yes, my host is 1&1, to install their Joomla script is more simple for me.
the first step that I would like to know is to create the folder "vmfiles", is it this folder is empty ? I upload it on my server, to put it between the another folders ?
as the screenshot:
I wish you can reply me, thanks !


After adding the vmfiles folder like shown in your screenshot with your ftp client, go to 'System' > 'System Information' > 'PHP Settings' in the Joomla administration menu and copy the path shown at 'Session Save Path'. Then replace the 'tmp' at the end with 'vmfiles' and copy the complete path into the VirtueMart 'Configuration' > 'Templates' > 'Safe Path' field. Don't forget to save the configuration afterwards. Should work this way.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


it's OK!  thank you so much.


oh no this is evil, because so the path is not safe. Except you secure it with an htaccess. In your case, you should use at least an unguessable folder name as password. The next version will have a wizard for this problem
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