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Saved Shipping Addresses Limit?

Started by batboiko, June 21, 2017, 17:51:00 PM

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or something else.
Joomla! 3.7.2   
VirtueMart 3.0.18

We have partners who order and every time they have a different shipping address (they order for users all over the world). So apparently there is a limit how many shipping addresses you can save in your account because at some point you can't put new shipping address and you have to delete some of the old one for the system to start working again. My question is where i can change that (i want people not to have this restriction)?



I am not aware of a set restriction there. Maybe the standard pagination? For example, your standard items to display is 20, and as far as I know the address list has no pagination. So when you have more than 20 addresses and the sort order is "created date" ASC (mean it starts with the oldest), then you would not see the new address on position 21. It would look like as you described.

To test this, create a new address and remove and old address and the new address should appear. It is just an idea, how you can encounter a limit.
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