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Best way to generate Google Merchant Account feed

Started by dylanphelan, February 21, 2017, 22:27:16 PM

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I realize that similar questions have been asked, but all the threads I found were from a good few years back, so I though it necessary to get some fresh opinions.

Google shopping ads have just become available in South Africa and I have just got my Merchant account activated. I have seen a few 3rd party extensions that generate a feed and have also seen this done with xml files - I am no developer and would prefer a quick solution without having to try and figure out any sort of code.

Any input on a good, quick way to set up the merchant account feed? one site with about 10 products, another with about 70 products. Prices etc need to update dynamically.



Googlebase xml from spiral scripts works pretty well and support is good also.
We had it running without major issues.