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vmwishlist changing the email

Started by Philip Bainbridge, January 21, 2017, 10:17:42 AM

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Philip Bainbridge

Hey folks not sure if this is the correct place to post this so admin please move if necessary..

Ok im using vmwishlist from

So far i haveremoved the add to cart function as i am using the list as a sample order option.

What i need is the email that is sent to admin when you request a quote (in my case samples) I eed to edeit this email if possible.. At the moment the email shows the customer username and products they require.
I need the email to also show the address of the customer and there real ame from there profile.

I have a feeling this is done in components/com_wishlist/views/favouriteslist/tmpl/default.php

The filew above is as below ......
<?php // no direct access 
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

//Loading Main Component Stylesheet
JHtml::stylesheet(VM_THEMEURL.'theme.css', array(), false);
JHtml::stylesheet('components/com_wishlist/template.css', array(), false);

//Loading Font Awesome
JHtml::stylesheet('', array(), false);

$my_page =& JFactory::getDocument();
$conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$sitename $conf->get('config.sitename');
$my_page->setTitle($sitename' - ' .JText::_'VM_FAVORITE_LIST' )); 

<h2 class="fav_title"><?php echo JText::_'VM_FAVORITE_LIST' ); ?></h2>
JRequest::getInt('Itemid',  1);
$prod_name JRequest::getString('prod_name',  "");
$mode JRequest::getString('mode',  "");
if (
$prod_name != "" && $mode == "delete") { 
JError::raiseNotice100JText::_('VM_DELETED_TITLE').'<strong> '.$prod_name.' </strong>'.JText::_('VM_DELETED_TITLE2'));
if (empty( 
$this->data )){ ?>

<h2 class='fav_header'><?php echo JText::_('VM_FAVORITE_EMPTY'?></h2>
<?php }
else { 
//Loading Global Options
$params = &JComponentHelper::getParams('com_wishlist');
$tmpl_favbtn_image = $params->get('tmpl_favbtn_image');
$tmpl_favdate_enabled = $params->get('tmpl_favdate_enabled');
$tmpl_afaq_enabled = $params->get('tmpl_afaq_enabled');
$tmpl_favimage_width = $params->get('tmpl_favimage_width');
//Initialize the Virtuemart Product Model Class
$productModel = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
$afaq_message = JText::_('VM_AFAQ_MESSAGE');
echo "<div class='fav_table'>";
echo "<div class='fav_heading'>";
echo "<div class='fav_col' style='min-width:20%'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='fav_col'>";
echo "</div>";

echo "</div>";
foreach($this->data as $dataItem)
$product = $productModel->getProduct($dataItem->product_id);
$product_qty = $dataItem->product_qty;
$product_ord = $product_qty > 0 ? $product_qty : 1;
$url_favlist = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_wishlist&view=favoriteslist&Itemid={$itemid}");
$afaq_message .= "<a href='".JURI::base()."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=".$dataItem->product_id."' target='_blank'>".$product_ord."x <b>".$product->product_name."</b></a>, ";
//generate button to remove from favorites list
$form_deletefavorite = '<form action="'. $url_favlist .'" method="POST" name="deletefavo" id="'. uniqid('deletefavo_') .'">';
//<input type='submit' class='modns button art-button art-button' value='".JText::_('VM_REMOVE_FAVORITE')."' title='".JText::_('VM_REMOVE_FAVORITE')."' onclick=\"return confirm('".JText::_('VM_REMOVEFAV_CONFIRM')."')\" />
$form_deletefavorite .= '<button class="modns button art-button art-button" title="'.JText::_('VM_REMOVE_FAVORITE').'" >';
if ($tmpl_favbtn_image) $form_deletefavorite .= '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>';
$form_deletefavorite .= JText::_('VM_REMOVE_FAVORITE').'</button>';
$form_deletefavorite .= '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="delete" />';
$form_deletefavorite .= '<input type="hidden" name="fav_id" value="'. $dataItem->fav_id .'" />';
$form_deletefavorite .= '<input type="hidden" name="prod_name" value="'. $product->product_name .'" />';
$form_deletefavorite .= '</form>';

echo "<div class='fav_row'>";
//Display Linked Product Image
if (!empty($product->images[0]) ) $image = $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('width="'.$tmpl_favimage_width.'" border="0"',false) ;
else $image = '';
echo "<div class='fav_col'>";
echo "<p>".JHTML::_('link', JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id),$image,array('title' => $product->product_name) )."</p>";
//Display Delete Favorite Form
echo $form_deletefavorite;
echo "</div>";

echo "<div class='fav_col'>";
//Display Favorite Date
if ($tmpl_favdate_enabled)
echo "<h4 class='prod_date'>";
echo JHtml::date($dataItem->fav_date, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4'));
echo "</h4>";
//Display Linked Product Name
$url_vm = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.
echo "<a href='".$url_vm."'><h3 class='prod_name'>".$product->product_name."</h3></a>";
//Display Product Price
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance( );
if (!empty($product->prices['salesPrice'] ) ) echo "<h4 class='prod_price'>".$currency->createPriceDiv('salesPrice','',$product->prices,true)."</h4>";
//if (!empty($product->prices['salesPriceWithDiscount']) ) echo $currency->createPriceDiv('salesPriceWithDiscount','',$product->prices,true);
echo "</div>";

//echo "<div class='fav_col'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";

<div class="pagination">
<?php echo str_replace('</ul>''<li class="counter">'.$this->pagination->getPagesCounter().'</li></ul>'$this->pagination->getPagesLinks()); ?>
//Ask for a Quote Form
if (!$user->guest && $tmpl_afaq_enabled)
echo "<p><div align=\"left\">\n<form action=\"".$url_favlist."\" method=\"POST\" name=\"sendmail\" id=\"sendmail\">\n
.JText::_('VM_SHARE_DESC')."<br /><textarea id=\"afaq_desc\" class=\"inputbox\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"3\" name=\"afaq_desc\" onkeypress=\"return imposeMaxLength(this, 100);\"></textarea><br /><br />\n
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"sendmail\" />\n
<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"email_to\" name=\"email_to\" value=\""
.$conf->get('mailfrom')."\" />\n
<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"email_subj\" name=\"email_subj\" value=\""
.JText::_('VM_AFAQ_SUBJECT')."\" />\n
<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"email_body\" name=\"email_body\" value=\""
.$afaq_message."\" />\n
<input type=\"submit\" class=\"modns button art-button art-button\" value=\""
.JText::_('VM_AFAQ_BUTTON')."\" title=\"".JText::_('VM_AFAQ_BUTTON')."\" />

Mod edit:  bump removed. Please read

Philip Bainbridge

OK so im still stuck with this issue im lead to believe the code above is not the correct code that needs editing..

I have tried numerous times to contact the creator of the component (as its paid for) and i just am getting no reply.. This is really holding me up at the moment.

GJC Web Design

another option is just use the normal VM

have a dummy no cost ship & payment .. change all the labels and texts
they "Add to quote list" then "check out" which just sends a normal system emails etc to the owner for him to quote on
GJC Web Design
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Philip Bainbridge

Would you be able to expand on your explanation please.. Thank you for the helpfull reply :)