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Error code 1054 - unknown column

Started by trumples, September 27, 2016, 01:58:40 AM

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I am trying to make some adjustments in the manufacturers module but when I go to save I get this message comes up. I've tied making changes to another listing in this module and the same error comes up.

1054 Unknown column 'metadesc' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `#__virtuemart_manufacturers_en_gb` SET `mf_name`='Pelican Products, Inc',`mf_email`='',`mf_desc`='',`mf_url`='',`metadesc`='',`metakey`='',`customtitle`='',`slug`='pelican' WHERE `virtuemart_manufacturer_id`='11'

I am using Joomla 3.6.2, PHP 5.6.18 and Virtuemart 3.0.18

I updated to the latest AIO VM release a couple of days back but I'm not sure if my problems existed before that as the site has been stable since going live some months ago and I've not needed to make any changes.

Thoughts and guidance will be greatly appreciated.


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Hello Max,
I encounter the same truble.

U mean "Update Joomla Database for pros, use only if you know what you do" ?
If yes i have this " Message : You are using joomla 3, or File not found"

Thanks for your help.


In VM backend. Tools / Tools & Migration on the DB Tools tab is "Install or if necessary update tables" button.

Note that "Enable database Update tools    " must be turned on in VM Configuration / Shop / Advanced Settings
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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