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Emails from Virtuemartshop to customers have a red cross as logo

Started by panne003, August 04, 2016, 14:53:17 PM

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I use virtuemart 3.0.16 and I have a problem with images/logo in the email to the customer.

Al my emails sent from joomla 3.6.0 and virtuemart 3.0.16 are send with no logo of image. There is only a red cross.
Does anyone knows, how i can sent with the emails the logo/image and no red cross.

Sincereley Janet Pannekoek

GJC Web Design

Have u configured a non png shop logo correctly in VM->admin->shop->shop?
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i have the solution.

In the .htacces file was a rule:
RewriteRule .*\.(gif|bmp)$ - [F,NC]

I have jpg/jpeg and png removed from the line and now it works fine.