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Get cartproduct prices after payment

Started by pm4698, July 05, 2016, 20:52:52 PM

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Hello there

I use joomla 2.5 and virtuemart 2.6.10
I work with affiliate company who wants for me to add specific script at end of order after standard payment, paypal payment and credit card payment. Inside those files i generate scripts that contain quantity,product id and final price of each product in the order.

My problem is that for credit card only, the manufacturer of plugin tells me that i need to build a query that loads cart,its products and their prices.He told me to create a custom.php file where i call my stuff and he includes this file to his plugin. I get product id and quantities but not final prices of each product.

Any ideas of how on rearthcan i get FINaL price of each product inside cart?idea about the query?

YOu can see attached the custom.php file that i use. AS i told you above, i get inside my script product id, quantity and order id but i cannot get final price of each product.

Thank you in advance!