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Display category name on invoice.

Started by mediax, April 11, 2016, 12:53:03 PM

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Dear VM support,

I hope someone can help me with this issue:

We are using the latest VM and Joomla. To pull in the category name into the invoice, I am adding this code in invoice_items.php via override in template HTML.

$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT `category_name` ' . ' FROM `xxxx_virtuemart_categories_en_gb` ' . ' WHERE `virtuemart_category_id` =' .$item->virtuemart_category_id ;
$catname = $db->loadResult();

And display using:

echo $catname;

Most of the category names come up on the invoice, but a few category names - the newer ones, does not display. With an update, did virtuemart by any chance change the DB table structures? I also could not find the table entries for thos category ID's in the mySQL database. Yet it does show up in the front-end for the products.

Any help appreciated.


Link to site:


Hi VM Support,

After doing some thorough inspection I noticed that I was at fault here. The database has two sets of tables and I was calling the data from the wrong section.

My issue is resolved now. Thank you all.

Kind regards,