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[fresh install fixed it]VM 3 behaving badly with Joomla v3.4.8

Started by bubu678, February 02, 2016, 18:57:37 PM

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I upgraded to v3.4.8 due to the security fix. I just started noticing in Admin (plus client is getting frustrated in doing VM updates) that updates are not showing properly in some cases. The front end seems to be OK.

example 1 - In Menu go to BottomMneu2 and do a Save as Copy on Login. Next do the same on any other menu item. You will notice that as you press Close, the added menu item does not show.

example 2 - go to VirtueMart->Products. Select any Category, and select any product and change the SKU or product Name. Save & Close. You may notice that no Save message appears, and/or product name is not updated until you press refresh. Then the message bar appears indicating Save or Cancel. Just try different combinations.

The site is Feel free to make any changes for it is a copy of live site. To log into admin user: test pwd: test
Under Articles there is article called FTP Connection which would have connection parms.

I have re-installed VM and Joomla folders. Starting a clean install and adding modules one by one is my last resort. Just wondering if anybody had similar experience...

Any other suggestions/comments?  I also posted this on the site


Couldn't wait, so I reinstalled Joomla and VM. Then I installed components/modules/plugins one by one, testing in between for any behavior changes.

All is well now.