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Started by Sidney, July 25, 2015, 02:22:47 AM

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Hi I am using virtuemart on a joomla installation PHP version 5.4.43, VM version 3.0.9, Joomla version 3.4.3. I get the following error/warning and I am not sure if this is bad or not, any help will be appreciated.

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

compareUpdateTable alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

alterColumns alterKey not finished, please rise execution time and update tables again

GJC Web Design

It is telling you that the php execution time is too low (ask your host to increase it).

Is this on an upgrade or an install?

Try in VM admin ->config->tools to run update tables and see if the process completes

obviously backup everything b4 trying
GJC Web Design
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I contacted my hosting company, HOSTGATOR and I was told that that is not something that can do because i'm  on a shared hosting plan. Do you have any other option. I noticed that whenever I save anything after modification on VM my mouse cursor just keeps spinning and them come up with error 505 or something like that.